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他对着我咧嘴大笑。He grinned broadly at me.

当林妮望着她时,她坦然一笑。She smiled broadly at Lini's stare.

萼裂片宽卵形到近圆形。Calyx lobes broadly ovate to suborbicular.

软件的影响会被广泛的感知。The impacts of software will be broadly felt.

经济前景总的看来仍较为有利The economic outlook remains broadly favorable.

这篇文章可以被更广泛地解读为战斗的号令。This can be read more broadly as a call to arms.

“对,单身。”汤姆满脸堆笑地说。"Why, yes, " Tom replied, smiling at her broadly.

广而言之,美国与欧洲一直步伐一致。Broadly speaking, America and Europe have kept step4.

我这里用的“男士美容”这个词范围很大。I am using the term “manscaping” pretty broadly here.

SNMP和CMIP是目前使用最广泛的两大网管协议。SNMP and CMIP are two network protocols used broadly.

贡献者如何完全地接受了此动机?How broadly is this motivation embraced by contributors?

广义地说,形容词是修饰名词的词。Broadly speaking adjectives are words that qualify nouns.

亚洲对中国的出口大致分为三类。Asian exports to China fall broadly into three categories.

在马来西亚,B2B和B2C移动商务的接受率都比较低。In Malaysia, both B2B and B2C MC are not accepted broadly.

广泛用于各种印刷品的折页。It is broadly used for folding various kinds of presswork.

药物分为内服药与外用药两类。Medicines are broadly classed as internal or external ones.

同时应该颂扬竹节资本主义更加广泛。And it should also celebrate bamboo capitalism more broadly.

二是强制保险的广泛应用。The second is the broadly application of compulsory insurance.

美股大幅下跌的报道以及专家推荐下周投资组合。U. S. stocks tumbled broadly. Prep Your Portfolio For Next Week.

当我使用“投资”该词的时候,它所覆盖的范围相当广泛。When I use the term “investment, ” I am using it rather broadly.