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历史是一堆废话。Hsitory is bunk.

厉史是一堆废话。Hsitory is bunk.

一位土兵仰面躺在铺位上。A soldier lies flat on his bunk.

汤姆躺在下铺。Tom was lying on the lower bunk.

Sucre紧张地坐在床铺上等待着。Sucre waits nervously on his bunk.

但是他们常常暗暗检查他的床铺。But they privily examined his bunk.

天文学家们说,所有这些都是无稽之谈。Bll of it, astronomers say, is bunk.

他的两位室友公用一张双层床。His two room mates share a bunk bed.

我的床是那张双层床的上铺。My bed is the upper one of that bunk.

Michael躺在他底下的床铺上。In the bunk below him, Michael lies down.

我们还是在这家旅馆找床铺睡觉为好。We might as well bunk down in this hotel.

监狱的床是钢制的,床上只铺一个薄薄的垫子。Bed was a steel bunk with a thin mattress.

为什么不给你的孩子们选择一个双层床呢?。Why not choose a bunk bed for your children ?

他对宿舍里那两个人蔼然望着。He looked kindly at the two in the bunk house.

睡在我对面中铺的是一个年轻的男性。On the middle bunk opposite me was a young guy.

大多数的经济学家认为他的理论完全是鬼扯。Most economists think his theories are sheer bunk.

卡夫认为所有的三个事例都不属实。Carver thinks all three of these examples are bunk.

我不知道整天呆在摇晃的船上会多累,睡在火车铺位一样的床上是什么感觉。I don't know what it will be like living on a bunk.

杰克找的了他的房间并把他的包丢到床上。Josh finds his room and throws his bag on the bunk.

因此我跟我丈夫睡了三年的双层床。For three years my husband and I slept in bunk beds.