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保持住当你绷紧你的双腿和屁股时。Hold it while tensing your legs and buttocks.

那张桌子几乎被他的屁股拱翻了。The table was almost canted over by his buttocks.

坐太久了,你的双腿和臀部都会感觉麻木。Your legs and buttocks become numb from sitting too long.

如果你还不停止捣乱的话,你的屁股就该挨打了。If you don't stop disturbing,your buttocks would be spanked.

现在你可以教我们如何收紧臂部。你的臀部好结实!Now you can help me firm up my buttocks. Yours are so tight !

他开始无情地鞭打卢克的屁股和大腿。He began to lash Luke unmercifully across buttocks and thighs.

呼气向右倾斜,保持髋部和臀平贴于地面。Exhale and lean to right keeping hips and buttocks flat on floor.

大腿和屁股胀得很大,把裤子都撑得紧绷绷的。His legs and buttocks had swollen so that they stretched his pants.

平躺在地板上,使臀部抵住墙壁。Lay on your side, on the floor with your buttocks against the wall.

它能充分锻炼你的股四头肌,臀部和腰部肌肉。You'll really work your quadriceps, buttocks and lower-back muscles.

一连开了几天的会,坐的屁股都麻了。First Lian Kai several day-long meetings, have sat buttocks all hemp.

这个绝佳的心肺运动还可以锻炼你的双腿和臀部。Here’s a great cardio exercise that also works your legs and buttocks.

正确的坐姿是,你的臀部应当紧挨着座椅的后背。Ideally, your buttocks should be right at the back of your chair seat.

下捋时,上体不可前倾,臀部不要凸出。The next stroke, the upper body can not forward, not protruding buttocks.

屁股上起的或白或红的小肿块最有可能是毛发角化病。Small white or red bumps on the buttocks are most likely keratosis pilaris.

他们对罪犯的脚掌施笞蹠刑和对其臀部施棒刑。They bastinadoed the criminal on the soles of the feet and on the buttocks.

扎奈塔的屁股还没沾上座位,他就打开了话匣子。He began speaking before Zanetta's buttocks had made contact with his chair.

这名黑帮在臀腹部严重受伤后终于停了下来。The gang member then stopped with a serious wound in the buttocks and groin.

站立拍照时候,收腹,紧殿,肩往后张,站直。For standing photos, belly in, buttocks tight, shoulders back, spine straight.

臀是女人的另一张脸,这话一点不假。The buttocks are another face of the woman's , this words are not false at all.