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并且官方数字也可以支持这一观点。Official figures buttress that view.

覆盖扶壁顶部的山墙状的石头。A gable-shaped stone that crowns a buttress.

人们决定建造扶壁以支撑崩塌中的墙。It was decided to buttress the crumbling walls.

他以大量确凿的事实支持这个论点。You need more facts to buttress up your argument.

决赛阶段每名运动员射一个箭靶。In the finals each archer will shoot at his own buttress.

通过你职业生涯中的一些例子来加固你的论点。Rely on examples from your career to buttress your argument.

雷一拳打在了托特的鼻子上,然后扶住了倒下来的格洛亚虚弱的身体。Ray hits Todd on his nose and buttress Gloria as she falls down.

竭力支持在这些带有某些详细叙述的篇章中你所阐明的论点。Try to buttress the points you make in these chapters with some details.

一种砌墙角墙垛不用砍砸的砖,它涉及砌筑用砖规格的改进。Wall corner buttress building relates to the improvement of the size of bricks.

大头支墩坝对于某些地区仍有其值得注意的特色。The massive-head buttress dam has some attractive features for certain locations.

我倚着那间小屋的门垛,看着月牙儿。I leaned against the door buttress of the little house, looking at the crescent moon.

一些板状根在地面上方延伸数米。Some buttress roots extend for several meters outward from the trunk at ground level.

有一些可用的背景信息支持你的案例,包括链接和引用。Have some background information available to buttress your case, including links and citations.

码垛机器人等,已有批量订单,市场前景广阔无限。Piles buttress the robot and so on, had the batch order form broadly, the market prospect infinite.

尽管中国一直主张钓鱼岛主权历来属于中国,但是日本仍旧把持着这些岛屿。Japan controls the islands although China draws on historical records to buttress its claim to them.

唱衰足球的人倾向于从历史和当前社会来寻找论据和支持。The soccer-won't-make-it crowd likes to lean on past and current social forces to buttress its argument

两个进一步的发现支撑了这一论点,即,心理负担影响做决定。Two further findings buttress the idea that it is the psychological load of decision making which matters.

用断裂力学对单支墩大头坝的劈头裂缝进行稳定性分析。The study of cracks, in the diamond head of the Hengren buttress dam is made by means of fracture mechanics.

掌侧成角的骨折长期以来是使用掌侧支持钢板作为标准治疗。The volar buttress plate has long been established as the standard treatment for fractures with volar angulation.

新闻出版总署颁布的相关文件明确指出,新闻出版体制改革旨在巩固而非削弱国家对媒体的管控。GAPP's documents on media reform make clear that reforms are intended to buttress state control, not undermine it.