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不要在标题上小心谨慎和含糊不清。Don't be cagey or vague in headlines.

在一个谨慎的开局之后,奥维马斯的速度创造出不同。After a cagey opening, Overmars' pace made the difference.

银行已经更加谨慎的把资金相互转借。The banks have even grown cagey about lending to each other.

甚至在我写的那篇“简介”中,其实我都是很守口如瓶的。Even in the long “description” I wrote, I’m being very cagey.

喜爱赵薇的影迷观?看着她从淘气的少女成长为狡黠的喜剧演员。Doting audiences have seen Zhao grow from elfin youth to cagey comedian.

中国官方在回答中国买进航母的意图方面十分谨慎。Officially, China was cagey about its intentions for the aircraft carrier.

27岁的费德勒没有透露孩子确切的预产期,只是说在今年夏天。Federer, 27, was cagey on exactly when the baby is due, saying only in the summer.

当两支来自同一个国家的球队竞争奖杯的时候,往往会是一场小心翼翼的决斗。With two sides from the same nation competing for the trophy, it was always likely to be a cagey affair.

他的鸡蛋沙拉啊他一直对让其美味的秘方三箴其口。其实就是红辣椒。真的吗?He's always been very cagey about what he puts in his egg salad to make it so tasty. It's paprika. Really?

他在本地没有朋友,也不愿意谈论自己的过去,但时间久了也难免透露出一些。He had no other local friends, and he was cagey about his past, although certain details emerged over time.

贝克在对Chrome与竞争对手进行比较时出言谨慎,因为这取决于采用什么样的比较基准。Bak is cagey about Chrome's performance compared with rivals because it depends on which benchmarks are used.

我想总是会发生这样的情况,这场比赛是多么热门,这样的比赛总是会是一场谨慎的比赛。I think it was always going to be with the conditions, how hot it was, it was always going to be a cagey game.

他在本地没有朋友,也不愿意谈论自己的过去,但时间久了也难免透露出一些。Brick.He had no other local friends, and he was cagey about his past, although certain details emerged over time.

福山身着熨帖的蓝色衬衣,带褶的深色便裤,他掰着开心果,深思而谨慎。In a pressed, blue button-down shirt and pleated dark slacks, he cracks open pistachios, contemplative but cagey.

因为非法捕鱼猖獗,实际只有渔民真正了解鱼的来源,他们可能会对此守口如瓶。Only the fishermen really know their source, and they may be cagey about revealing it, for illegal fishing is rampant.

公司对其如何利用这些数据采取全然回避的态度,并坚持称这不会侵犯到任何人的隐私。The firm is cagey about what, exactly, it will do with these data, and insists that it will not violate anyone’s privacy.

文章的标题能描述文章内容的。不要在标题上小心谨慎和含糊不清。这只能使人们跳过它。在标题里使用关键字和清晰的语言描述。Don't be cagey or vague in headlines. It'll just make people skip the story. Use keywords and clear language in headlines.

在将谷歌和IBM的云合作拓展至企业应用方面,双方都异常小心,但这无疑将是其下一步举动。Google and IBM have been cagey about any plans to extend their cloud collaboration to enterprises, but it would be an obvious next step.

我知道在新西兰人们在选购任何中国食品时都非常谨慎,而且现在还要求政府注明该产品是否是中国制造。I know Kiwis are very cagey about buying any chinese food here in NZ, and have now demanded that the govt show if anything is made in china.

合成染色体公司对该公司具体在研究哪种分子产品讳莫如深,但文特博士的兴趣之一就是利用改造过的细菌生产燃料。Synthetic Genomics itself is a bit cagey about exactly which molecular products it is working on, but one of Dr Venter’s interests is in using modified bacteria to make fuels.