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我发现杜可风的摄影工作是有感觉的和衬歌式的。I found Doyle's camerawork to be lyrical and elegiac.

这里缺少的唯一元素只有基一贯的华丽的摄影技法。The only element missing here is Kiarostami's usually gorgeous camerawork.

如果你进行提问,设法让其他人进行拍摄。If you're asking the questions, try to get someone else to do the camerawork.

而且,本片的摄影风格是极度主观的,要表达希斯克利夫的视点。What's more, the camerawork is rigorously subjective, assuming Heathcliff's viewpoint.

负责摄制和技术方面主要工作的佩尼亚菲耶尔说,“他是一位诗人。”“He’s the poet,” said Peñafiel, who handled much of the camerawork and technical aspects.

令人惊叹的摄影技巧将使观众体验这种犯罪行为从个人的角度来看。Amazing camerawork will allow viewers to experience this criminals behavior from a personal standpoint.

假冒伪劣和业余的摄影与编辑大约为高中学生的计算机图形可以做相同的。Shoddy and amateurish, the camerawork and editing are about the same as a high school computer graphics student could do.

他的摄影作品不如他的电影出名,但马克拍摄照片的时间和拍电影一样长。His still camerawork is not as well known as his movies, but Marker has been taking photographs as long as he has been making films.

他们身上赋予的丰富的人性,亦如精心模压出的外表,或者堪称经典的摄像和编辑,都成为皮克斯的商标。That they are endowed with such rich humanity is as much a Pixar trademark as the painstakingly modeled surfaces or the classical virtual camerawork and editing.

通过所有演员们的精彩表演,出色的摄影工作,音乐所有这些都是出众的。Decalogue 1 is closest to my temperament, but I like all of them, wonderful performances by all the actors, great camerawork and music, all these elements are phenomenal.