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不要在藤艺家具上蹦跳。Not be on cany art furniture skip.

能不能报告我在哪里能够找到她?Could you tell me where I cany revery her?

藤沙发用普通洗涤剂刷洗,会损伤藤条。Cany sofa uses common scour scrub, can injure cane.

您能想象他购这车花了若做佳多钱吗?Cany good you imagine how much he ptool for that car?

茶几地毯价格你能通告我这种产品的最廉价码?Cany kind of you tell me the rock-lower price of this product?

小弟这顶藤盔上端是五角,从图看,兄的似乎是六角。My cany helmet is quinquangular. From pics brother's seems hexangular.

望能为各位在置备去黑眼圈眼霜的经过中起到一个参考作用!Hope you cany buy in to the dunkelhrrutige eye creare plays a reference role!

藤椅与布沙发、木地毯一起营造自然舒适的空间。Carpet of cany chair and cloth sofa, wood builds the space of natural peaceful together.

藤制品多见于南方,它防蛀、防潮、经久耐磨。Cany goods sees more at south, it moth-proofing, moistureproof, prolonged wear-resisting.

藤原薰先生对我们要求很严格,第一节课就和我们约法三章。Cany original embalm sir is very strict with us, first class and we start by three chapters.

藤制的靠椅配上藤制的茶几,满屋的舒适休闲。Cany relies on chair to deserve to go up cany tea table, of houseful comfortable and recreational.

在行业垄断时期,许多国家通常都采用交叉补贴的方式解决普遍服务问题。In monopolized telecom market, many governments adopt cross subsidies to cany out universal service.

兵器工业自身固有的特殊性和高危险性,决定了其开展安全评价的必要性。The special and high risk enhances the necessity to cany on safety evaluation in the ordnance industry.

椅子一般用藤椅、折叠椅的为多,也有用小转椅,活动椅的。The chair uses cany chair, fold chair commonly for many, useful also small revolving chair, of mobile chair.

藤大牙和金奉泰潜入仓库去偷钱,遇到来仓库烧毁纸币的赵大一行。Cany fangs and gold into to the warehouse in Thai steal money, meet to warehouse burned a line of zhao big bill.

它在直升机执行特殊任务时,具有很大的使用潜力,而且和标准平视显示器有同样的信息。When helicopters cany out a special task, it has great use potentialities and information as much as standard HUD.

当藤松脱之时,先用水将藤弄湿,再用铁钳子将它固定,涂上强力粘着剂使它粘住即可。When cany loose, first with the cane, garnish with wet iron pliers fixed it to, with strong adhesive make it stick can.

在众多小摆设、小器皿中,野趣最足的是藤制的小篮子。In numerous small ornament, small containers esp. for use in the house, open interest is the most sufficient is cany small basket.

坚持人性化执法是公安机关践行“三个代表”重要思想的本质要求。Persist in enforcing the law humanity is the essential requirement of the police organs to cany out" three represents" principles.

柳制品在外形上可以与藤制品所媲美,在价格上又比藤制品便宜很多。Willow goods is OK on the appearance rival with cany goods place, it is a lot of cheaper to compare cany product again on the price.