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他们利用恐慌和偏执狂。They capitalize on panic and paranoia.

如果是的,这里就有可使用的字母。If so, I've got some letters to capitalize.

了解你的力量,好好利用。Know your strengths and capitalize on them.

这个队未能充分利用开场时领前的优势。The team failed to capitalize on their early lead.

布朗说,克林顿可能会利用他们在这方面的担忧。He said Clinton is likely to capitalize on these concerns.

不要忘记把句子中首词的第一个字母大写。Don't forget to capitalize the first letter in the sentence.

期待最好的结果,准备最坏的打算,既来之则安之。Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes.

不要将所谓的紧凑格式复合词中的每个单词都大写。Do not capitalize each word in so-called closed-form compound words.

我们应该充分利用一切机会来提高英语水平。We should capitalize on every chance we get to improver our English.

旧中国的贪官污吏往往利用自然灾害大发横财。Corrupt officials in old China used to capitalize on naturalcalamities.

容光焕发的肌肤和微翘的嘴唇是你最佳的资本,要好好利用。Glowing skin and pouty lips are your best assets so capitalize on them.

通常,企业希望利用这些流程以实现增长。Typically, the business wants to capitalize on these processes to grow.

为了能充分利用人类自己制造幸福的潜力,我们究竟可以做些什么呢?What can we do to capitalize on that potential for self-made happiness?

中国的旅游热点地区正希望借助这股爱国热情。China's tourist hotspots are hoping to capitalize on this homebody spirit.

奥巴马政府对中国的错误政策进行了快速的反映。The Obama administration has been quick to capitalize on China’s missteps.

我们曾试图利用顾客的好奇心理提高销售总额。We tried to capitalize the customers' curiosity to increase our gross sales.

Swype像其它键盘一样,可以自动将每句话的首字母大写。Swype will auto capitalize the first word in a sentence like other keyboards.

你发挥出你的潜能和知识越多,你就会成功得更多。The more you capitalize on your potential and learning, the more you succeed!

他们担心家人的安全,而轮胎生产商正是利用了消费者的这一心理。They worry, 'Will my family be safe?' and the tire makers capitalize on that.

在奥运会上----在任何情况下----好运只关顾那些做好准备迎接好运的人。In the Olympics –in everything—luck strikes those prepared to capitalize on it.