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哦,我借用艾伦的投诉警察课。Oh, and I'm borrowing Alan's capo.

空虚的重复演奏,不过禁欲主义的男性实在太迷人了!An empty de capo. Stoic men are so charming!

阿涅利家族有一位领袖式的家长。The Agnelli family has one leader, a capo di famiglia.

最近,我开始变得非常的大卡波游戏感兴趣。Recently I begin to become very much interested in Da Capo games.

以及加强宣传投诉警方独立监察委员会的监察角色。CAPO investigations and enhanced publicity on the monitoring role of IPCC.

总而言之,其尖端的技术将带给您前所未有的革命性体验。An LED gives visual feedback and there are volume, tempo, balance and capo controls.

投诉警察课也负责就如何防止遭受投诉事件,向警务人员提供意见。CAPO is also responsible for advising Force members on how complaints can be prevented.

此外,投诉警察课亦已在六月增设一条投诉热线,以图文传真方式将投诉表格传送给市民。CAPO was introduced in June to supply complaint forms by facsimile to members of the public.

我知道大卡波游戏没有正常贸易关系,但是,最近我感到十分的最新NTR的游戏感到失望。I know that Da Capo games not have NTR, but, recently I am very much disappointed with the latest NTR games.

此外,投诉警察课亦已在六月增设一条投诉热线,以图文传真方式将投诉表格传送给市民。A complaint hotline for CAPO was introduced in June to supply complaint forms by facsimile to members of the public.

投诉警察课详细谘询投诉警方独立监察委员会后,推行了一系列措施,进一步加强现行投诉制度的透明度,以示公正。In close consultation with the IPCC, CAPO introduced a range of measures to further enhance the transparency and fairness of the existing complaints system.