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草原的气候变化无常。The climate on grassland is capricious.

生动而多变的器乐曲。A lively and capricious instrumental composition.

妇科病一得就反复无常嘛?Is disease of department of gynaecology gotten capricious ?

近来,几乎已经底定要走任性的路。In these days, the decision nearly are made in capricious way.

黎明时分,风又大了起来,然而风向不定。At daybreak the wind became pretty strong again, but was capricious.

规则的改变反复无常,政府到底会谴责,抑或宣布哪种手法为非法行为?Which — in a capricious change of the rules — will it condemn or outlaw?

象猫一样地反复无常,我行我素的性格。The ground is capricious like elephantine cat, the disposition of persist one's old ways.

在任性与不知所谓的行走里肆意的妄为,奔赴一场声势浩大的未知。In capricious and do not know the so-called walking in the daydream wanton toured a vocal unknown.

横七竖八的街道,并没有把这一片房屋切成大小过于参差不齐的碎块。The capricious ravine of streets did not cut this block of houses into too disproportionate slices.

我的位置似乎既脆弱又不稳定,假如她翻一个身,就能像一捆柴火一样把我压扁。My situation seemed fragile and capricious.If she rolled over, she could snap me like a bundle of twigs.

我的位置似乎既脆弱又不稳定,假如她翻一个身,就能像一捆柴火一样把我压扁。My situation seemed fragile and capricious. If she rolled over, she could snap me like a bundle of twigs.

她最好的朋友丽萨说从某些方面看富尔顿甚至比以前更加任性和无赖了。According to best friend Lisa Duboise, Fullerton has in some ways become even more capricious and sadistic.

你的激情开始娇纵任性,把老人拉进荒废无人的哨兵小屋,像小孩般向他索求拥抱。Your passion was capricious. You went to an abandoned hut with the old man, urged for his embrace as a child.

他十分反复无常,他对这个国家的人和,风景的看法十分滑稽。He is ponderously capricious. Many of his casual opinions on the people and scenery of this country are ludicrous.

在看透这一点时,你就可以自在地旁观,世事翻腾反覆而不扬一条眉毛。With such realization, you can be a carefree bystander, undisturbed by the churning and capricious worldly affairs.

我们的未来全然掌握在我们自己手中,而无须听凭反覆无常的外部力量所摆布。Our future is entirely within our own control. It is not at the mercy of any capricious or uncertain external power.

过去的15年,愚昧而又变幻无常的繁荣时代晃花了毕业生们的眼。For the past 15 years or so, graduates have emerged blinking into the white light of a witless and capricious boom time.

“同样变幻莫测的是,婴儿观察事物的时间长短强烈印证了他们了解事物的程度,”Hespos说道。"As capricious as it may sound, how long a baby looks at something is a strong indicator of what they know, " Hespos said.

世界上数亿人口仰赖定期季风带来的降雨进行农业耕作,但历史上季风的行踪却反复无常。Hundreds of millions of people depend on regular monsoon rains to nourish their crop, but the monsoons are historically capricious.

但她的微笑却是神秘的,神秘得仿佛静夜里从远方传来的笛声飘飘缈缈令人永远无法捉摸。But her smile is mysterious, as mysterious as the fluting from the depth of peaceful night, dimly discernible and capricious for ever.