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嘉莉又粲然一笑。Carrie smiled again.

“啊呀,天哪!”嘉莉说。"Oh, dear, " said Carrie.

要是既有那钱又有嘉莉该有多好!If he had that and Carrie.

少来了,我在开玩笑,凯莉。Come on, it's a joke, Carrie.

现在他该怎么去找嘉莉呢?How should he get at Carrie now?

詹姆士夫人对卡丽的影响。Mrs. James' influence on Carrie.

“他也可以一起去的,”嘉莉说。"He could go along, " said Carrie.

嘉莉非常耐心地听着。Carrie listened most good-naturedly.

凯莉鲜少会承认犯错。Carrie rarely admits to her mistakes.

“他是谁?”嘉莉疑虑地问道。"Who is he?" asked Carrie. doubtfully.

嘉莉觉得这像是在谴责她。Carrie felt this as a personal reproof.

星期一,嘉莉又去了卡西诺戏院。Monday Carrie went again to the Casino.

唐肯,你知道这位是谁吗?Do you know who this is?Carrie Bradshaw.

给卡丽买了一点小银手镯。Bought a little silver bangle for Carrie.

每到星期二嘉莉就向他要钱。Every Tuesday Carrie asked for her money.

那是嘉莉在歌唱,我听到它萦回在我的心海。I hear it from Carrie and from the heart.

嘉莉见到了一次卡西诺戏院的经理。Carrie saw the manager at the Casino once.

兆辉和嘉儿也走到了一起。Trillion fai and Carrie son also together.

“你为什么要这样欺骗我?”嘉莉问。"What made you deceive me so?" asked Carrie.

嘉莉又朝窗外看着过往的人群。Carrie looked out again at the passing crowd.