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视频载波?。VFC? Video Frequency Carrier?

音频载波?。VFC? Voice Frequency Carrier?

他养了一些信鸽。He raised some carrier pigeons.

槽体与承板。Trough solid and carrier plate.

他收到一封由信鸽传送的短信。As a result, the carrier pigeon.

清障载体品牌。Remove the brand of the carrier.

语音控制载波?。VCC? Voice – Controlled Carrier?

乙肝带菌者会被拒绝吗?。Can be second liver carrier rejected?

运营商锁定延缓了升级。Carrier lockdown has slowed upgrades.

养信鸽是他的业余爱好。Keeping carrier pigeons is his hobby.

送纸人对我而言非常重要。My carrier is pretty important to me.

第四,津液是气的载体。Fourth, body fluid is a carrier of qi.

航空母舰又是二手的。Theaircraft carrier is a hand-me-down.

这里有几只信鸽也不错。Here are a few carrier pigeons is not bad.

那艘航空母舰配备有核子武器。The carrier is armed with nuclear weapons.

西蒙告诉说“送货者犯了个小错误”。Simon says "It's a mistake by the carrier."

美国空军中队以这艘航空母舰为基地。The U.S. squadron was based on the carrier.

他们打沉我们的航空母舰!They practically sank an aircraft carrier !

五龙是“性恶”的载体。Wulong is a carrier with evil human nature.

远程导弹轰炸机图-22-M-0Distant missile carrier and bomber Tu-22-M-0