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“案例”教学法是一种运用案例进行教学的方法。The casus teaching is a teaching way to use case.

事故原因正在进一步调查之中。Accident casus just in the middle of investigating further.

尽管没有找到大规模杀伤性武器,但是我们还是认为他的宣战原因成立。But to our mind his casus belli still stands, despite the failure so far to find weapons of mass destruction.

他,事实上,在战争的边缘与教宗,宣战正在反感保罗二世的孙子对新教皇。He was, in fact, on the verge of war with the pope, the casus belli being the revolt of Paul II 's grandsons against the new pope.

某国如果在暗杀,支持叛乱分子或者玷污圣地的时候被发现,敌国会拥有宣战理由。A country discovering a successfull assassination, supporting rebels or desecration of holy site now gets a casus belli against the offender.

造成这次罢工的原因是政府早期宣布的计划,他们将使公务员工作年限加长并支付更多的退休金。The casus belli is the government's plan, announced earlier this year, to make public-sector staff work longer and pay more for their pensions.

这个宣战借口已经遭到和谐,所以你不能通过这个宣战借口来夺取领土、归还核心、取消附庸或者解放国家。That Casus Belli has been changed so that it is not possible to take territory, return cores, cancel vassals or release countries when using it.

通过案例分析,展示改善与促进高一学生数学学习自我监控的教学实践活动。The casus analysis was carried out to set out the teaching activity of improving and promoting senior students' Self-controlling in Learning Mathematics.

贸易同盟领导国将自动的对于任何可以通过间谍行动得到“贸易纷争”宣战借口的国家获得一个这个宣战借口。Trade league leaders automatically have a trade dispute casus belli on any countries they would be able to generate such a casus belli on via spy action.

大功告成之后,本周俄罗斯承认了阿布哈兹和南奥塞梯的“独立”,正是这两块飞地引发了格鲁吉亚战争。WITH a flourish, Russia this week recognised the "independence" of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, the enclaves that gave it a casus belli for its war on Georgia.