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我问一个护士为什么凯瑟琳会得了紧张性精神分裂症。I asked one of the nurses why Katherine was catatonic.

麦迪文因此陷入了长达数年的昏睡。Medivh fell into a catatonic state which lasted for many years.

却只听得二人血液沸腾,怒恨难当。But only hear two human blood boiling, anger hate catatonic state.

夹在她的忧郁起来,努如回家后,几乎是紧张症。Caught up in her own depression, Nuru is nearly catatonic upon coming home.

我问一个护士为什么凯瑟琳会得了紧张性精神分裂症。To become formed or shaped. I asked one of the nurses why Katherine was catatonic.

棒极了。我单枪匹马地英勇脱逃,却发现自己站在屋顶上,身边只有个紧张兮兮的基佬矮人。Fantastic. So I engage in a daring solo escape only to find myself on a rooftop with a catatonic gay dwarf.

这个网站就像沙漠中的绿洲,我们会完全沉浸在网站中。We may be just short of catatonic when these several pages of visual oasis emerge from the vast internet sand dunes.

一只在寒冷天气中变得反应迟钝的鬣蜥趴在路边,佛罗里达,美国。An iguana lay on a path near joggers in Davie, Fla. , Sunday. Iguanas become catatonic in the cold and fall from trees.

但你所说另一方面是对的,生意人为了陷于生计所迫,被朋友们带进KTV的现象很普遍。But you are right, it's more common to see one businessman being carried out of a KTV by his friends, completely catatonic.

长达一天的劳苦工作或辛勤学习后,看看电视可以使我们平静下来,进入一种身心放松,远离紧张的状态。After a long day at work or school, there’s something about watching TV that can lull us into a relaxed, nearly catatonic state.

近乎精神紧张,我没眨眼或舔嘴唇,停也没停就把整本书看完了。With an almost catatonic concentration, almost without blinking or licking my lips, I read the entire book from first to last word without stopping.

精神分裂症临床上一般分青春型、偏执型、紧张型、单纯型四个亚型。This disease is clinically divided into four types-hebephrenic schizophrenia, paranoid type schizophrenia, catatonic schizophrenia and simple schizophrenia.

他们对该话题显得精力仓促,由于他们知道征税将请求和精英一样遭到异样的保卫和援助。They are catatonic on the subject because they know the taxpayer will demand the same protections and support that the elite will be providing for themselves.

丽茜过于频繁地在脑海中听到丈夫的声音,以至于当她那患有紧张性精神症的姐姐阿曼达用斯科特的声音跟她说话的时候,她发现这与其说是难以置信,倒不如说是一种必然。Lisey hears him so often in her head that when her catatonic sister, Amanda, begins speaking to her with Scott's voice, she finds it not so much unbelievable as inevitable.