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国泰航空公司售票处,有什么可以为你效劳吗?Booking office of Cathay Pacific. May I help you?

这也许就是“华轩人”的可爱之处吧。Maybe this is why I love the people of Cathay so much.

国泰航高薪聘用英国飞行员。Cathay Pacifics hiring British pilots at a high salary.

华轩每年的工作人员大约为80人。Cathay Playhouse staffs a total of about 80 people each year.

国泰航空公司近年来一直有着可靠的安全纪录。Cathay Pacific has enjoyed a solid safety record in recent years.

对国泰航空而言,目前进入低成本航空业是不可能的。A foray into the LCC segment is now not likely for Cathay Pacific.

国泰航空由香港至羅马來回经济客位机票。Hong Kong to Rome round trip economy class air ticket on Cathay Pacific.

国泰航空及其下属的港龙航空的附加费将下调2.4个百分点。Cathay Pacific and its affiliate Dragonair will cut surcharges by 2.4 percent.

我想订一张国泰航空公司飞往巴黎的808航班的商务舱机票。I'd like to book a business class ticket on Cathay Pacific Flight 808 to Paris.

通过自己的行动,国泰航空公司已经为其他机场休息厅制定了评判的标准。Cathay Pacific has set the standard against which all other airport lounges are judged.

他曾乘坐从纽约飞往香港的国泰831航班,并于周六晚上抵达香港。He arrived in Hong Kong on Saturday evening on Cathay Pacific Flight 831 from New York.

国泰航空公司来回香港至可伦坡经济客位机票乙张。Roundtrip economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Colombo on Cathay Pacific Airways.

国泰航空公司来回香港至胡志明市经济客位机票乙张。Roundtrip economy class air ticket for HKG and Ho Chi Minh City on Cathay Pacific Airways.

我想感谢三藩国际电影节每个人的盛情和香港国泰航空的升舱服务。I want to thank everyone at the SFF for the hospitality and the upgrades from Cathay Pacific.

1634年一位身上围着中国腰带的法国人抵达湖边,希望找到中国。In 1634 a Frenchman arrived on a lake’s shore wearing a mandarin robe, hoping to find Cathay.

日本军队最终将和平饭店定位占领上海的要点之一。Japanese troops eventually made the Cathay one of several headquarters in their occupation of the city.

履任新职前,唐先生为国泰航空珠三角及香港营业总经理。His new pre-Tang for the Cathay Pacific General Manager of the Pearl River Delta and Hong Kong business.

因私旅行的,机票费用应以现金形式支付国泰航空厦门办事处。For leisure travel, payment of air tickets should be made to Cathay Pacific Airways Xiamen Office in cash.

座位一经确认,国泰航空将以电子邮件形式通知厦门太古的员工。Once seat is confirmed, the employee of TAECO will be notified by an email sent by Cathay Pacific Airways.

我们一家挤进了黄包车,苦力就拉着我们穿过乱哄哄的街道向中国饭店走去。Our family piled into rickshas, and the coolies pulled us through cluttered streets toward the Cathay Hotel.