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这是一个关于宽容和爱的故事。This is a story about catholicity and love.

所以我们要多宽容别人。Therefore, we should have catholicity to others.

这个新问题,在社会生活中有广泛的普遍性。This problem, there is extensive catholicity in social life.

它反映了信息管理活动的普遍性和社会性。It reflected an information management the catholicity and the society of the activity.

法学教育的内容应是普遍性与针对性的统一。The contents of legal education should be an unification of catholicity and pertinence.

某些细节描绘依然具有感人的普遍性的现实意义。Some detail descriptions still have the realistic meaning of the feeling person's catholicity.

由于汽蚀现象的普遍性和复杂性,国内外都在积极进行研究。Because of its catholicity and complexity, cavitation is positively researched all over the world.

国营种畜场经济发展迟滞是一个具有普遍性的问题。Arrearage of progress of economy of field of state-operated stud stock is a problem that has catholicity.

主张新诗的“普遍性与个性”的妙合、“当下性与完全性”的平衡。He insists the modern poems should have the match of catholicity and character, the balance of moment and completeness.

把它取名为“没兴没废”,是因为看到了中国设计优秀的一面,但认为这些还不具有普遍性。Named it 'Unprosperous & Unbroken', because we see the excellent aspects of Chinese design, but still without catholicity.

数形结合的思想为我们探寻视觉形式的普遍性美感提供了科学的支撑。The idea Combine mathematics with graphic give us a scientific support to explore the catholicity aesthetic of visual form.

天主教传教士的思想言论是中国近代思想史的重要组成部分,迄今为止学术界对此尚无专题研究。The missionary thoughts of Catholicity is an important in thought history of Modern China, which calls for a special study.

同时,慈湖对佛家的宽容庇度和他「薄海内外,皆吾赤子」的精神有著内在的一致之处。Meanwhile, Cihu's catholicity to Confucianism consisted interiorly with his spirit of "home and abroad, universally my sons."

把它取名为“没兴没废”,是因为看到了中国设计优秀的一面,但认为这些还不具有普遍性。We named it 'Unprosperous & Unbroken', because we see the excellent aspects of Chinese design, but still without catholicity.

的问题展开,从建筑形态设计的角度加以分析研究,由错位的普遍性,提出错位存在的原因及发展趋势。Being analyzed and studied on architectural form design, the displacement is put forward to the reason of its existence and development from its catholicity.

胡塞尔为了证明现象学的普遍性,提出了交互主体性理论,其中,他人的构造问题是一个重点。The construction of otherness was a keystone in the inter-subjectivity theory which had been propounded by Husserl to prove the catholicity of Phenomenology.

它是涉及广泛的社会个体、群体、国家参与的普遍性的信息获取、控制和利用活动。It is the information of catholicity which involves extensive social individual, community, nation to participate to obtain, control and make use of an activity.

忙得满头大汗的妈妈看到这张纸条后,宽容地笑了笑,随手在上面添加了几行字,放到汤姆的枕边。Mom at that time had her hands full, when she saw the bill, she smiled with catholicity . She added several lines on the bill and put it back aside Tom's pillow.

关注和深入探讨中国传统哲学这种“通以显体”的精神,对未来世界哲学的健康发展,具有重要的理论意义。A deeper research of traditional Chinese philosophies from the perspective of " catholicity " will be of great significance to the healthy development of world philosophies.

能够从有限、带有特殊性的构造外推到近似无限、具有普遍性构造的思维和思考方法。Can from limited, take and have the thinking and thinking method that outside pushing and looking like is infinite and has catholicity structure of the structure of special.