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可是他们「却…切切祷告神。」But prayer was made unto God without ceasing.

活鸡又卖了几天,终于停息。Chickens and sell a few days, finally ceasing.

逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜。It passes on just like this, not ceasing day or night!

停用SDG后14名患者中有10名出现眼结膜炎复发。Ocular itch recurred after ceasing SDG in 10 of 14 patients.

市场是合理和完善,知道什么是做的时候,当它能够清楚地冻结和停止功能。when it's clearly capable of freezing up and ceasing to function.

政府债务违约可能会直接停止支付他们的债务。Governments may default on debts directly by ceasing to pay their bonds.

一切的缘皆是无常的,他们的本质是生与灭。All condition are impermanent, they are of the nature of arising and ceasing.

收笔以先,我鼓励你不间断的为你的孩子祈祷。Before I sign off, I encourage you to pray without ceasing for your children.

信不信由你,但也有一种危险,从停止你的摄入量,如果阿斯巴甜。Believe it or not, but there's also a danger from ceasing your intake if aspartame.

想到我们的救赎主永不停止为我们代求,是何等的鼓舞啊!How encouraging is the thought of the Redeemer's never- ceasing intercession for us.

对于这些离境移民申请评估的限制和停止可能从三月开始。The capping and ceasing of these offshore applications is likely to happen in March.

她在倾听副官一刻也没停止的呻吟,呻吟是从三间房舍以外传来的。She was listening to the never- ceasing moan of the adjutant, audible three huts away.

伯多禄就被看管在监狱中,而教会恳切为他向天主祈祷。Peter therefore was kept in prison. But prayer was made without ceasing by the church unto God for him.

它们的对手机构和客户由于担心出现最糟糕的情况,停止与其开展业务,反而招致了最糟糕的情况。Their counterparts and clients, fearing the worst, provoked the worst by ceasing to do business with them.

停止学习和发现新的东西会让你停留在一个无聊的世界。Ceasing to learn new tricks and discover new things will leave you stranded in a world of familiar boredom.

虽然症状还有待评估,但应考虑立即暂停使用氯氮平。Strong consideration should be given to ceasing clozapine while suspicious symptoms and signs are evaluated.

荒谬之人始于众人结束之所,此处,心智不再欣赏戏剧,而想身体力行。The absurd man begins where that one leaves off, where, ceasing to admire the play, the mind wants to enter in.

北京的著名街道不再是目的地,已经变成一条条通道﹐连接甲地点和乙商场。Beijing's famous streets were ceasing to be destinations themselves, changing into viaducts between Point A and Mall B.

俄罗斯央行在停止铸造小硬币,即1戈比和5戈比上已经坚持了许久。The Central Bank of Russia has been long insisting on ceasing the minting of small coins, that are one and five copecks.

按照规则17-2的规定,对手球员或同组球员必须停止照管旗杆的行为,但也不可避免的会被处罚。The opponent or fellow-competitor does not avoid the penalty under Rule 17-2 by ceasing his attendance of the flagstick.