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问我见的名人多吗?Have I seen a lot of celeb?

但还是没有一个名人的小孩叫做林克。No sign of any celeb kids called Link. Yet.

哪一个名人能最典型的代表过去的时代?。But which celeb personifies this bygone era the best?

这家时髦的饭店常有名人光顾。The chic restaurant is patronized by many celeb rities.

通常我们乐意向您展示经过华丽化妆的名人照片,让爱美的女士们模仿。Normally we like to show you celeb photos with gorgeous makeup that you can copy.

在好莱坞,没有什么比跟明星家庭有关更赚钱的了。In Hollywood there isn't a more money-making deal than hooking up with a fellow celeb.

在好莱坞,没有什么比跟明星家庭有关的东西更赚钱的了。In Hollywood there isn't a more money-making deal than hooking up with a fellow celeb.

这一集包括落基山脉、沙漠岛、中国、有关美国城市的一集,以及另一档名人专访!These include the Rockies, desert islands, China, a USA urban one and another celeb special!

显然,明星和品牌联系在一起就意味着明星要穿这个品牌的衣服,拍很多宣传照。Obviously, celeb attached to label equals celeb wearing label and getting photographed a lot.

当然,在网上冒充一个名人或是为一个电影角色创建虚假资料都是无害的。Sure, it can be harmless to impersonate a celeb online or create a fake profile for a movie character.

难道你认为布兰妮成了名人是因为她是个好歌手?You honestly think Brittney spears is famous because she is a good singer?She was chosen to be a celeb because of her looks.

与此相似,大量的垃圾信息都储存在世界各个角落的服务器中,包括网上商店和最新名人视频等等,似乎这些数据也都可有可无。Similarly, an awful lot of what fills up the world's servers, from online shops to the latest celeb videos, seems dispensable too.

上个星期被判入狱的林赛·洛翰只不过是又一则高调明星换下名设计师设计的服装,穿上橘黄色狱服到监狱走一趟的新闻而已。Last week’s sentencing of Lindsay Lohan marked yet another instance of a high-profile celeb trading in designer duds for an orange jumpsuit.

它可以说是杂志中的偶像,里边有纯正活泼的名人裸照,以及时下技术、汽车、饮品、游戏和运动方面的特色性新闻报道。The iconic men's adult magazine has racy celeb nude pictures, besides featuring the latest news on technology, cars, drinks, games and sports.

电影明星梅根·福克斯说她有病菌恐惧症,问题很严重,以致于她不敢使用公共卫生间、不敢使用餐馆里的餐具。Actress and celeb Megan Fox says that she has a phobia of germs—so much so that she won't use public bathrooms and recoils at restaurant cutlery.