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对于形心分析和算例,方便大家学习和使用。For example centroid analysis and to facilitate them to learn and use.

测量仪器所采用的形心不变原理,介绍了测量电路的设计方法。The principle of unchanged centroid is used for the measuring parallel.

最后,通过仿真试验验证了质心调节控制方法的可行性。Finally, the simulation tests show that the centroid adjustment method is feasible.

另外,还揭示了因光强变化而产生的“重心偏移”现象。In addition, the centroid movement caused by change of light intensity was revealed.

质心干扰是水面舰艇对抗反舰导弹的一种重要手段。Centroid jamming is an important means for naval vessels resisting anti-ship missile.

采用连通区域求质心的方法精确定位奇异点。The singular points are accurately detected at the centroid of the connected component.

在这一部分中我们对基于相位信息的质心跟踪方法进行了研究。In this part, we investigated the phase-information-based methods for centroid tracking.

形心跟踪算法因为简单、执行速度快而得到广泛采用。Centroid tracking algorithm is widely used because of its simplicity and quick run speed.

CMAC估计器先用线性模型进行训练,然后预测目标的质心和姿态。CMAC estimator is trained with a linear model, then the centroid and attitude are predicted.

仿真结果表明,带阈值的质心法是一种较为理想的星体细分定位方法。The simulation results show that threshold centroid is the most appropriate method for star locating.

实验结果表明,利用质心法测定的蛋白分子量比最大灰度法测定的更接近于标准分子量。The experimental results show the centroid method has an advantage over the maximum gray level method.

在这个半径内的所有像素都被软件用以识别其目标等效中心及光亮度。All pixels within the aperture are used by the software to determine the centroid and flux of the object.

然而常规形心跟踪算法因激光雷达图像受到散斑噪声影响而变得不适合。The original centroid tracking algorithm is no longer suitable because of the speckle noise in ladar image.

介绍目标光学图像特征控制技术的原理,分析其对红外成像导引头形心跟踪的影响。The optical imagery control technique was introduced, and its effect on the centroid of target was analyzed.

从理论上证明了所采用的相位补偿法与多普勒中心跟踪法是等效的。It is proved that the scheme of phase compensation is virtually equivalent to the track Doppler centroid method.

一个简单的但是非常有效的方法,是使用形心算法来鉴别中心条纹。A relatively simple, but very effective, technique is the use of a centroid algorithm to identify the central fringe.

采用了基于字符质心的层次特徵对无约束手写体数字进行分类识别。An algorithm to recognize unconstrained handwritten numerals based on centroid layer feature is proposed in this paper.

利用有号距离和形心将无缺货补货的模糊库存的总成本利用有号距离和形心解模糊化。We use signed distance and centroid to defuzzify the total cost in the fuzzy sense in fuzzy inventory without backorder.

更进一步地,完全确定了一个单李三系和一个多项式张量积的型心。Furthermore, the centroid of a tensor product of a simple Lie triple system and a polynomial ring is completely determined.

该系统运用差分法来检测运动目标,并采用形心跟踪法来自动跟踪目标。This system adopts difference algorithm to detect moving target, and uses centroid tracking to track the target automatically.