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说得好,查德。Well said Chad.

乍得的恩贾梅纳因为内战惨遭破坏。N'Djamena of Chad is ruined by civil war.

喀麦隆和乍得尚未报告任何病例。Cameroon and Chad have not reported any cases.

这是非洲乍得境内撒哈拉大沙漠里的一块岩石画。A petroglyph emerges from the sands of the Sahara in Chad.

有一农场小青年查德得知这一消息后,心里既高兴又失落。A farm lad Chad when he heard the news, happy and lose heart.

35年前曾经优美的查德湖缩小了一半。The once mighty Lake Chad is half the size it was 35 years ago.

乍得指责喀土穆支持叛军抵抗力量联盟。Chad blames Khartoum for backing the rebel Union of Resistance Forces.

伯恩斯坦举了埃克森石油公司在乍得建输油管道的例子。Ms Bernstein cites the example of a pipeline that Exxon built in Chad.

杨洁篪15日抵达恩贾梅纳,开始对乍得进行正式访问。Yang arrived in N'Djamena on February 15 for an official visit to Chad.

从2003年起,23万苏丹难民从达尔富尔涌入乍得东部。Since 2003, 230, 000 Sudanese refugees have fled to eastern Chad from Darfur.

最近一次相当严重的脊膜炎传染病大暴发发生在尼日利亚,尼日尔和乍得湖。The latest outbreak has been particularly severe in Nigeria, Niger, and Chad.

井上茶渡因为担忧自己的无能,所以它给予了他们力量。It gave Inoue and Chad powers because they fretted over their own inabilities.

盆地内晚白垩纪-古近纪的火山活动与裂谷作用紧密相伴。Mesozoic- Cenozoic Volcanism in Chad basins is closely correlated with rifting.

报道说,乍得Harbach收到书超过六十万美元。Reports say Chad Harbach received over six hundred thousand dollars for the book.

查德负责作词,其他小伙子则一起谱曲。Chad Kroeger wrote lyrics while the rest of the guys worked together on the music.

乍得驻华大使艾哈迈德·松吉大使致开幕词。Mr. Soungui. Ahmed ambassador of Chad Embassy in China, made the opening statement.

此外,在2008和2009年,3型野生脊灰病毒从乍得南部蔓延至喀麦隆和中非共和国。Additionally, in 2008 and 2009, WPV3 from southern Chad spread into Cameroon and CAR.

酌向素瓷浑不变,乍疑花气扑山泉”。Discretion to the Su-porcelain muddy unchanged, Chad rush the suspect spring flowers.

数以百计的选区也将选举地方官员。选举官员希望避免过去的错误。As Chad Bouchard reports from Jakarta, election officials hope to avoid past mistakes.

这个地区包括阿富汗、伊拉克、巴勒斯坦、苏丹、乍得和索马里。That area starts in Afghanistan, it includes Iraq, Palestine, Sudan, Chad and Somalia.