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英国的天气是多变的。The weather in England is changeable.

别相信她——她是善变的。Do not trust her ---she is changeable.

女人总是可变易变。Woman is always fickle and changeable.

各文本定位或变化多端。All texts are localizable or changeable.

这张机票可以退换吗?Is this ticket refundable or changeable?

在运行时,只有某些设置是可更改的。Only some settings are changeable at run time.

风云变色。The current political situation is changeable.

对于命运的变化无常,我们慨叹得太多了。We sigh too much speaking of the changeable fate.

其意为变幻莫测,高手云集的舞台。Magician means a changeable stage full of masters.

很多人是可以改变的。Much of morningness and eveningness is changeable.

欧洲文艺复兴时代是一个伟大的变革时代。European Renaissance Age is a great changeable age.

幻觉内容离奇古怪,变化多端。The content of bizarre hallucinations and changeable.

可是,他的变声期突然到来了。But, his changeable sound scheduled time abrupt arrival.

可扩展并且可变换组合的家用书架体系。Expandable and changeable bookshelf system for your home.

这礼拜他脾气变幻无常,所以不要惹他负气。His temper's been changeable this week, so don't annoy him.

那是在时代急遽转变中自身地位的质问。It is also a self-questioning exercise in a changeable era.

一旦它被分配,它的大小不能被改变。Once it has been allocated, its size will not be changeable.

最后,那些可变内容则放在子SWF文件中。Finally, changeable content is contained within sub SWF files.

备有一组可换接杆,测量范围大。It has a set of changeable spindles with wide measuring range.

不要与一位朝三暮四的人结婚。Try not to marry a person who is as changeable as the weather.