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一对无子女的夫妇领养了这个混血儿。A childless couple adopted the half-breed.

这对无子女夫妇从孤儿院认养了一个女儿。This childless couple adopted a daughter from the orphanage.

很久很久以前,有一位年老的国王,膝下无子。Long ago, an aging childless king gathered his court together.

我觉得很奇怪,为什么这么多的当爸当妈的老是要问没有孩子的夫妻这个问题。I'm amazed at how many mothers and fathers ask this of childless couples.

母亲吃的热量也更多,2360千焦,而没有孩子的女性只有1992千焦。Mothers also ate more calories, 2, 360 compared with childless women's 1, 992.

但是你同时又不想还没盼到好的生活条件,就去世了,膝下无儿无女。But you also don't want to die childless while waiting for the right conditions.

为无子女的职工和无监护权的父母提供劳务所得税减免。Offer the Earned Income Tax Credit to childless workers and noncustodial parents.

凯瑟琳受到了沉重的打击,并且坚定了她不要孩子的决心。And this devastates Katharine and also forges in her mind a resolve to stay childless.

不过,夏伟兹后来把女儿以25000卢比的价格卖给了一对无孩子的夫妇。But he later sold their infant daughter to a childless couple for Rs 25,000, she alleged.

要是还能顺便帮助一对不孕夫妇,那就更是锦上添花了。And if you happen to help a childless couple along the way, that's just icing on the cake.

有多少对夫妻渴望拥有孩子,却因为无儿无女而黯然神伤?HOW many couples longing for a baby will wake up today and weep because they are childless?

我愿意看到单身或无子女的父母获得税收优惠和补贴。I'd liketo see tax incentives and perks given to the childless or the parents ofsingletons.

永不生育,这样的决定伤透了我的心,不过我只能选择两者中比较让人少点遗憾的那个决定。Though it breaks my heart, I choose to be childless because it is the lesser of two regrets.

富裕的,没有孩子的伊壁鸠鲁发现,到他的穷邻居那里去,是扩大家庭的好办法。The rich, childless Epicurean finds it very good to go to his poor neighbor to augment his family.

没有子女的大龄女性不再被习惯性地视为不育的老处女。A childless single woman of a certain age is no longer automatically perceived as a barren spinster.

福利院通常主要是孤寡或残疾老人的最后去处,但情况正在改变。While such centers have mostly been a last resort of the childless or handicapped, that is changing.

撒母耳说,你既用刀使妇人丧子,这样,你母亲在妇人中也必丧子。And Samuel said, As thy sword hath made women childless, so shall thy mother be childless among women.

同无子女的婚姻相比,其“保存生命的系数”较高。A higher 'co-efficient of preservation'characterises married women with children than childless marriages.

有子女的已婚妇女同无子女的婚姻相比,其“保存生命的系数”较高。A higher'co-efficient of preservation'characterises married women with child ren than childless marriages.

那些能将所有时间用于跑步的人要么是失业并且没有儿女的,要么就是专业运动员。Anyone who has all the time they want to run is either unemployed and childless or a professional athlete.