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我曾经是个直率而爽朗的人。I was downright chipper.

回家的路上他会在卖炸鱼和炸薯条的店停一下。He’d stop at the chipper on the way home.

她爽朗的说到。“You look just like your photo,” she said in a chipper tone.

在这些有关快乐的话题中,其中一个话题就是如何在经济不景气的时候保持快乐。Among the happiness talk was how to stay chipper in this economy.

你是否极度嫉妒那些早起并且保持良好状态的人?Do you hate people that are happy and chipper early in the morning?

那天,他像往常一样爽朗,并表示他“感觉非常好。”Today he's his usual chipper self, saying he's "never been better."

他虽身体虚弱,但精神矍铄,常常在布满书籍的书房里接见客人。He's frail but chipper as he receives guests in his book-lined study.

刀片式再碎机是削片机的一种变型配套产品。The knife type re-cutter is a kind of modified auxiliary product of chipper.

本公司专业制造和出口劈木机、碎木机、吸叶机等园林工具。We specialize in manufacturing log splitter, wood chipper and leaf vacuum, etc.

苦涩的高傲,爽朗的笑声,沉寂却随之而来,每个人都在等其他人说点什么。Bitter pride, chipper laughter Then silence, each waiting for the other to contribute something.

别问我可以告诉,她不琼斯在这一天,当我们坐下来,在一些咖啡茶时间。I could tell that she wasn't chipper on that day, when we sat down for some coffee during tea time.

他一直深爱着女孩的幽默,深爱着女孩爽朗的笑容,这个答案让他更紧握住女孩的手。He has deeply loved the girl, her humor and her chipper smile. Her answer made him hold her hand more tight.

然而,一些活跃的评论者在一些贴中指出,对这个问题来说,其实有一个非常简单的解决方式。As some chipper commenters on that Facebook post point out, however, there was a pretty easy fix for the problem.

手术之后,她恢复了往日的爽朗,立即重新投入到竞选活动中,尽管她还面临着几个月的化疗。After the procedure, she was her usual chipper self and was back at work on the campaign in no time, though she faced months of chemotherapy.

削片机作为生产人造板和纤维板的主要设备之一,已经被大量应用于实际生产过程中。The chipper has already been widely used in the production process as one of the main devices of manufacturing the wood-based panel and fibreboard.

当Fowler意识到他的快乐原来可以传播如此之远的时候,他开始更频繁的想方设法让自己处在愉快的心情当中。Once Fowler realized how far-reaching his own good cheer actually is, he has begun to make some changes to ensure he’s in a chipper mood more often.

他的最新电影,盐水,这麦克弗森还指示,是围绕着一个爱尔兰和意大利的家庭谁运行在一个海边爽朗的烦恼中心镇像他最好的作品。His latest film, Saltwater, which McPherson also directed, is centered around the troubles of an Irish-Italian family who run a chipper in a seaside town.

无论是在你的车里,还是做晚饭的时候,还是在家里“放松”的时候,你的每个动作都要伴着那讨厌的“摇摆”小调。Whether you’re in your car, cooking dinner or “relaxing” at home, every move you make will be accompanied by the Wiggles and their obnoxiously chipper tunes.

李占洋是个能说会道的风趣艺术家,跟他在一起总能被他的爽朗的笑声打动,以及他绘声绘色的跟你讲述一些他身边所发生的故事。With a sense of humor, Li Zhanyang can always drive your heart by his chipper laughter and his lively narrations on the daily stories happened around himself.

不过在我刚步入会场时,那位开朗的“迎新委员会”澳大利亚女主持就拉着我的手把我拖进去,并一脸喜气我介绍了汤姆。But as soon as I walked in, the chipper Australian chairwoman of the welcome committee grabbed me by the arm and dragged me across the room, triumphantly introducing me to Tom.