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然后我们一边闲聊一边游戏。We then chitchat and played games.

我喜欢用电话与我的朋友们聊聊天。I like to chitchat with my friends on phone.

她的闲话专栏着眼于青少年。She angled her column of chitchat towards teenagers.

火车上与人话不投机是个很痛苦的经历。Painful chitchat on a train is a miserable experience.

事情发生得太快了,他们中任何人都没有时间闲聊。A lot was happening and neither one of them had time for chitchat.

每次我们闲聊他几乎都谈及你。He talks about you nine times out of ten when we have a chitchat.

你身边无人可以幸免,别人凭什么非得听你叽叽喳喳?No one around you can escape. Why force them to listen to your chitchat?

库姆斯在办公室之外与客户见面时,很少说不相关的话。When Mr. Combs meets clients outside the office, there is little chitchat.

在火车上痛苦的闲聊是一回事,工作上的TMI却是个可怕怪兽。Painful chitchat on a train is one thing, but workplace TMI is its own monster.

在火车上痛苦的閒聊是一回事,工作上的TMI却是个可怕怪兽。Painful chitchat on a train is one thing, but workplace TMI is its own monster.

即使是最专注的人也禁不起偶尔聊天的诱惑。Not even the most dedicated person is immune to the temptation of occasional chitchat.

这是我们与杂货店里的销售员或者派对上的陌生人的闲聊。It’s the chitchat we share with the clerk at the grocery store or a stranger at a party.

比如,中田可以和猫对话,但他们之间的谈话总以礼貌性的谈论天气开始。Nakata may talk to cats, yes, but their conversations always begin with polite chitchat about the weather.

前几天和“情人”聊天的时候,他对我说,他的一见钟情把他全毁了。Some days before, I have a chitchat with "Lover", he told me that his First Sight Love almost destroyed him.

扎加特喜欢从闲聊开始,饭吃到相当程度才说起跟生意有关的事情,不会一上来就直奔主题。Ms. Zagat likes to chitchat until she's well into a meal, rather than turning to business-related topics right away.

而在西方的文化中人们若在进餐时不与邻座攀谈,倒有失礼节。But in Wests culture people, if in dining time does not chitchat with the adjacent seat, pours has loses the courtesy.

每周五在美里日报「钻油台」专栏执笔,另有专栏「闲话」与「长短说」。Her essays appear every Friday in "Drilling Platform" of Miri Daily, and in other columns like "Chitchat" and "Long and Short".

如果友善的办公室闲聊变成了情绪激动的审讯,那就礼貌的结束这次谈话。If friendly water-cooler chitchat is turning into an emotionally charged interrogation , bow out of the conversation gracefully.

现在朋友聊天,无非聊的人我差别,无非都是一些烦恼的事情,都是增长贪嗔痴,没有什么好处。It is exactly true. The chitchat is nothing but gossips troubles, which will do no good but increase greed, hatred and ignorance.

但是,在特立独行,闲谈和自负的背后,生活仍然需要完善。But underneath that maverick exterior, and behind the chitchat and the intellectual panache, something still needs to come to life.