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怎样治疗慢性寻麻疹?。How does cure search hives chronically?

如何治疗慢性浔麻疹?。How to treat waterside chronically hives ?

病患通常都年过五旬,且长期便秘。Patients are usually over 50 and chronically constipated.

也可能患上腹泻或者慢性便秘。You might have diarrhea or become chronically constipated.

我的生活是否自自由在,感到时时的无拘无束?Is my life free enough so that I feel chronically unstressed?

目的探讨建立兔紫绀型心脏病动物模型的方法。ObjectiveTo establish a model of chronically cyanotic heart disease.

葡萄牙有大量的赤字预算并长期就是病恹恹的。Portugal has a high budget deficit and is chronically uncompetitive.

德国和日本一样,被长期的国内需求不足而困扰。Germany, like Japan, is bedevilled by chronically weak domestic demand.

如果你感到慢性疲劳,这也许是甲状腺机能减退的征兆。If you are chronically fatigued, it may be a symptom of hypothyroidism.

如果肠壁慢性炎症脂解作用被扰乱。If the intestinal walls are chronically inflamed lipolysis is disturbed.

肺中的管道是长期发炎的状态,产生过量的粘液。Tubes inside the lung become chronically inflamed, producing excess mucus.

下撒哈拉非洲和埃塞俄比亚成为长期持续饥荒地区。Sub-Saharan Africa and Ethiopia remain the most chronically underfed regions.

由于一直都短缺人手并且资金不足,你的团队拼命努力才能勉强支撑。Chronically understaffed and under-funded, your team struggles to stay afloat.

当然,在智能手机出现很久之前,人们就有迟到的现象,甚至是习惯性迟到的现象。Of course, people were tardy -- even chronically so -- long before smart phones.

但如果血压长期属于升高状态,有可能引起一系列的疾病。But chronically elevated blood pressure is a source of multiple medical miseries.

采用霍耳效应原理慢性记录胃运动的变化。The gastric movement was recorded chronically according to Hall's effect principle.

她要借珠宝隐藏自己,因为她生性羞涩,总是想要隐藏。Jewels were something to hide behind as, chronically shy, she always wished to hide.

如果你一直对吸烟持肯定态度,那么这就可能增强你这方面的渴望。If you have a chronically positive attitude to smoking this could boost your craving.

这也许对于加拿大人来说是个宽慰,因为在某些人看来,加拿大人一直都不酷。This may come as a relief for Canadians, who are sometimes viewed as chronically uncool.

病毒在慢性感染患者的肝内将一直持续存在。Thus, the virus will always be persisting in the liver of chronically infected patients.