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那时你将化蛹为蝶。That is when your butterfly comes out of the chrysalis.

蝶蛹听到了这些,什么也没说。The chrysalis heard all this, but did not make any answer.

一只蚂蚁在四处找食吃,它看到了一只蝶蛹。An ant is running about looking for food. He saw a chrysalis.

强总是问我们应该像蛹,坚定,努力。Strong always asks we should like the chrysalis that firm hard.

幼虫变为蝶蛹,再变成蝴蝶。A larva metamorphoses into a chrysalis and then into a butterfly.

已交共、春茧缠绵,终不学、钿筝移柱。Has paid total, spring chrysalis lingering, not the end of school, Tian Zheng shift column.

像雾迷茫摸不透看不清像蚕蛹一层又一层。Like a fog of confusion don't fathom couldn't see like silkworm chrysalis layer upon layer.

观测表明,小狗会进入某种类似蛹化的阶段然后转变为毒蛉。Zerglings have been seen entering a brief chrysalis phase before emerging in their new form.

从蛹的埋葬里破茧而出能让人得到人类复活一样的灵感。Its emergence from entombment as a chrysalis may have inspired ideas about human resurrection.

探讨了摆脱困境及今后发展茧丝绸行业的措施。Discussed cast off predicament and the measure that will expand chrysalis silk trade henceforth.

此后他故伎重演,放弃自己学位转投独立音乐发行商Chrysalis。It’s a pattern repeated when he quit his degree to work for independent music publisher Chrysalis.

因为这只蝶蛹移动着尾巴,所以蚂蚁才发现它是个活物。The chrysalis moved its tail, and because of the moving, the ant then saw that it was a living thing.

写得不错,剥茧抽丝,期待后续写得很仔细,受教了。Write well, pare chrysalis reel off raw silk from cocoons, expect sequel Write very carefully, suffer taught.

我听过一个故事说,一个人太急于“帮助”一只蝴蝶来到世界,就很早的打开了它的茧。There's a story about a man so eager to "help" a butterfly into the world that he opens its chrysalis too soon.

你在潜伏期的表现决定了你是否能化蛹为蝶。It’s how you perform during the ”silent years” that determine if you leave the chrysalis and become the butterfly.

艾兴说他的设计灵感源于自然界的既存的构建形式。这不禁让人想起蝴蝶幼虫的蝶蛹。Eising said his design is inspired through forms found in nature, and is reminiscent of a chrysalis protecting an emerging butterfly.

手脚都脱皮是什么原因呀?手上脱皮的地方就像长老茧一样皮肤很硬。Hands or feet what reason is desquamate? The place of the desquamate on the hand resembles presbyterial chrysalis same skin is very hard.

天吾看到了天空中的两个月亮,在父亲的床边空气蛹正在形成,他一点都没有惊讶。Ever since he saw two moons in the sky and an air chrysalis materialising on his father's bed in the sanatorium, nothing surprised Tengo very much.

但对于法雷尔来说这还不够,在离此处东北方向一百英里的地方,如同蝴蝶出蛹一般,一个玻璃圆顶的蝴蝶圣殿正在圣奥尔比斯附近的绿野当中显现。A hundred miles northeast of here, a glass-domed temple to winged insects is emerging from a green field near St Albans, like a butterfly from its chrysalis.

然而,西格尔的体重在大学期间戏剧性猛增,从那以后,她就成了挣扎着要从20码蛹里挣脱出来的6码蝴蝶。In college, however, Sieger underwent such adramatic weight gain that, ever since, she has been a size 6 butterflystruggling to emerge from a chrysalis of size 20 clothes.