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运动之后饮用蛋白奶昔。Chug a protein shake after workout.

小摩托艇轧轧地驶出海港。Small motorboats chug out of the harbor.

南非则超过了50公升,令人望尘莫及。South Africans chug down over 50 litres.

离老远,我都能听到农机具的突突声。In the distance I could hear the chug of farm machinery.

听到了,你喝起来有咕嘟咕嘟的声音。Well, listen to me chug this soda and tell me what you hear.

附表一定的时间,每天突突回到8盎司一次。Schedule certain times of the day to chug back 8 ounces at once.

突突向前踩球改变了煎饼与你的脚。Chug forward and stomp your foot for the pancake with ball change.

我发现它很容易突突的被喝掉,但是最好是啜吸,能够更持久。I find it easy to "chug" but the beauty is in sipping, making it last.

从上周起,尼罗河上有第一条游船开始航行了。This time last week, the first cruisers were beginning to chug down the river.

也就是说,咀嚼将会是种苦差事,因此任何饮用方式的食物都很理想。That said, chewing actually becomes a chore, so anything I can drink or chug is ideal.

要确保你的室友看见你喝饮料了,而且当你咕嘟咕嘟喝的时候还夸赞“你的饮食很健康啊”。Make sure your roommate sees you drinking it and say “you had a good run” while you chug the shake.

我们乘着一艘小渔船沿着丛林溯流而上,经过很深的岩石水渠,两边长满藤蔓植物和青苔。We chug upstream through the jungle in a little fishing boat, past deep rock channels, dripping with vines and moss.

天空中又响起了螺旋桨转动的轧轧声,从南面一直飞过来。Rang out the chug that the propeller becomes again in the sky, the noodles had been flying to come over from the south.

它们沿著RNA轨道前进,一次读取连续三个核苷酸,找出对应的胺基酸,连结起来,让胺基酸链逐渐增长。They chug along the mRNA track, decoding each successive triplet of nucleotides into a specific amino acid and adding that to a growing chain.

当组织的需求增加时,数据库服务器应该一直保持相同的性能水平。The database server should chug along continuously and evenly with the same performance characteristics as the organization's demands increase.

例如,吉布森解释道,性格外向的人更可能屈服于“午饭后的沉浸”——一种渴望在下午三点左右小睡片刻或去喝口咖啡的行为。For example, Gibson explained, extroverts are more likely to succumb to the "post-lunch dip" – that desire to nap, or chug Coffee, mid-afternoon.

这就是为什么,虽然我们都是自发的,但是有时候在你一口气喝完八罐啤酒并且开始在街上跳舞之前,停下来想想是个不错的主意。That's why, while we're all for spontaneity, sometimes it's a good idea to stop and think before you chug that eighth beer and start dancing in the streets.

一般在晚间休息后,列车会开行大约一个小时,然后提供简单的自助早餐,早餐后乘坐大巴探访附近的景点。Typically, a night's rest is followed by a simple buffet breakfast on board while we chug along for an hour or so, followed by coach excursions to nearby attractions.

美得仿若童话世界,这个通道至今仍在应用——火车每天三次通过这里,给工厂运送木料。This beautiful tunnel looks like something out of a fairy tale. It's actually still used today — trains chug through it three times a day to deliver wood to a factory.

我们都知道那些喜欢大嚼薯条,猛灌苏打水和狂吃牛肉羊肉的人比坚持吃沙拉、水果和谷物的人更容易长胖。Everyone knows that people who chow down on french fries, chug soda and go heavy on red meat tend to pile on more pounds than those who stick to salads, fruits and grains.