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此后,越来越多的中国大学实行了男女同校。Since then, more and more Chinese university became coeducational.

然而在一所男女同校的学校里,一切都有其合理的位置。In a coeducational school, everything is thought into its proper place.

该研究的作者们也引证了单性别学校和男女同校的成果是均等的。Study authors cite evidence that single-sex and coeducational outcomes are equal.

因为正是这位君主开办了该国第一所男女同校的大学。Because it is the monarch who launched the country's first coeducational university.

男女同校和独立的机构是位于市中心附近的格林斯博罗,北卡罗莱纳州。Coeducational and independent, the institution is located near downtown Greensboro, North Carolina.

班伯里大教堂文法学校位于西澳大利亚,在珀斯城南部,是一所男女同校的圣公会寄宿学校。Bunbury Cathedral Grammar is an Anglican coeducational day and boarding school south of Perth, Western Australia.

男人和女人会去不同的学校或是身体上和学术上分为男女合校的学校。Men and women went to different schools or were physically and academically separated into coeducational schools.

芝加哥大学是一所私立大学,是非教派立的男女同校的高等教学和研究院校。The university of Chicago is a private, nondenminational, coeducational institution of higher learning and research.

芝加哥大学是一所私立大学,是非教派立的男女同校的高等教学和研究院校。The university of Chicago is a private, nondenminational, coeducational institution of higher learning and research.

建于1564年,佛尔斯特学校座落在风光如画的艾塞克斯的村庄佛尔斯特,是一所独立的综合寄宿于非寄宿相结合的中学。Founded in 1564, Felsted School is an independent, coeducational , boarding and, day school located in the picturesque Essex village of Felsted.

“珠宝鉴定与营销管理”跨校辅修专业开设二年来,得到了上海市东北片区高校学生的广泛欢迎,取得了较好的效果。The coeducational ' Gem Identification and Business Management' Minor has obtained nice effects and extensive welcome since it was founded two years ago.

按惯例,宿舍可能限于同性学生,也可能有男女学生同住,不过把某几层楼或某些部分指定全由男生或女生使用。Conventional dormitories or residence halls may be either restricted to one sex or coeducational , with certain floors or areas within them assigned to men or women.

两本书都特写了孩子们的转变故事,特别是男孩们,故事包括在男女同校的环境中的弱点,然后把他们一起放在单性别的学校中。Both books feature conversion stories of children, particularly boys, failing and on Ritalin in coeducational settings and then pulling themselves together in single-sex schools.

厄勒姆已经是男女同校的学校了,但我们还在招来更多有色人种的学生,更多城里的学生,更多有特殊需要的学生,当时我们都不一定知道,应该说“特殊需要“,to,call,it,“special,needs”Earlham was already a coeducational school, but we were bringing in more students of color, more students from cities, more students with special needs, we didn't even necessarily know at the time.