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他有严重的腹绞痛。He had an awful colic.

应将哭闹与疝痛相区别。Crying should be distinguished from colic.

疝气总是在四个月内就几乎消失殆尽。Colic is almost always gone in four months.

目的探讨肾绞痛的止痛方法。Objective To study the analgesia of renal colic.

婴儿急腹痛干预措施的有效性。The effectiveness of Interventions for Infant Colic.

但你怎么知道,如果他们所经历的绞痛症状?But how do you know if they are experiencing colic symptoms?

胆绞痛的疼痛有时出现在上腹。The pain of biliary colic is occasionally in the epigastrium.

绞痛。可表现出剧烈胆绞痛,伴恶心、呕吐。Colic. There may be severe biliary colic with nausea and vomiting.

同时输尿管镜可对绞痛性尿石作即刻有效处理。At the same time, colic urolithiasis could be managed by ureteroscopy.

只有表现出了痛苦才称得上是悲剧。What a tragedy would that be of which the distress consisted in a colic.

虽然疝痛一词提示由肠道引起,但其病因并不清楚。Although the term colic suggests an intestinal origin, etiology is unknown.

肠绞痛小片是相当软的在舌头上迅速溶化的小片。Colic tablets are very soft and dissolve almost instantly under the tongue.

吸烟还易使婴儿过敏,并可能会增加婴儿患疝气的风险。Smoking also makes babies irritable and may increase babies' risk of colic.

疝痛与迫切、急躁的人格发育可能没有联系。Colic probably has no relation to development of an insistent, impatient personality.

在中国医学方面,郁金被使用来治疗肩痛、月经的痉挛,和绞痛。In Chinese medicine, turmeric is used to treat shoulder pain, menstrual cramps, and colic.

我的宝宝有疝气和反流,发作时会哭好几个小时,直到我们发现这个药片才得到缓解。My baby had colic with reflux and would cry for hours, until we found these little tablets.

最怕回忆突然翻滚绞痛着不平息,最怕突然听到你的消息。Fear memories rolling colic suddenly not calmed down, most afraid when I heard your message.

大本曾经有两次很严重的急腹痛,不像大多数的马那样,他挺过来了。Big Ben also had two really bad attacks of colic and unlike most horses, Ben made it through.

绞痛的症状是可以消除你作为一个母亲,特别是如果你是母乳喂养。Symptoms of colic can be eliminated by you as a mother, especially if you are breast feeding.

这也是怀疑的婴儿与绞痛可能会更为敏感,比其他婴儿,他们的年龄。It is also suspected that babies with colic may be more sensitive than other babies their age.