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卡扎菲不停的谴责不消停的基地组织和殖民情节。Gaddafi repeatedly blamed the unrest on al-Qaeda and a "colonialist plot".

马贡多镇的最终消失,寓义殖民文化的消亡。The Macondo Town perished with a symbolic death of the colonialist culture.

从1840年鸦片战争开始,中国遭受了大约110年的殖民主义侵略。From the Opium War in 1840, China suffered the colonialist aggression for almost 110 years.

早些时候,古巴政府曾指责西班牙外交部长的殖民主义态度。Earlier, the Cuban government had accused the Spanish Foreign Minister of colonialist attitudes.

他为帝国主义贸易公司工作,用各种不光彩的手段奴役殖民地人民。He works for colonialist trading company and slaves the native people in many dishonorable ways.

殖民主义的社论只会提醒中国说,西方一直坚持认为自己最明白。Colonialist editorials will only remind China that the West has always insisted that it knows best.

殖民主义者资本主义的随之崛起,将会印证这是中国有史以来面对的最大挑战。The subsequent rise of colonialist capitalism would prove the greatestchallenge it would ever face.

对殖民文化和反殖民主义的重视,也是本论文贯穿始终的一个特点。The dissertation places certain emphasis on the colonialist culture, with a view of anti-colonialism.

哈默曼女士认为,这种许可证,像殖民时期官员发放的文书,应该抵抗,而不能纵容。Hammerman views the permits as the paperwork of colonialist bureaucrats — to be resisted, not indulged.

中国犯了一个严重的错误就是在62年击败印度殖民者后将阿鲁纳恰尔邦又还给了他们。China made a grave mistake of letting Arunachal Pradesh back to Indian colonialist after beating them in 62 war.

毒品毒化政策是日本侵华期间推行的一项丑恶而阴险的殖民政策。Policy of poisoning by using drugs is an evil and sinister colonialist policy during Japanese invasion in China.

通过这一考察,分析和探讨了沦陷区殖民主义政治统治的构成和特点。To analyse and discuss its forming and characteristics of the colonialist political governing through the investigation.

苏联在反法西斯战争,推翻殖民统治方面扮演了英雄般的角色。The Soviet Union played a heroic role in combating the evil of fascism, aswell as in helping to topple colonialist powers.

本文分析了吉卜林的印度书写,探讨了他在殖民文学创作中反映的诸多问题。This article attempts to analyze what Kipling wrote about India and decipher the colonialist complex embodied by his narrations.

长久以来,法国在北非被视为殖民压迫的象征,此番再次被视为过去那个令人憎恨的皇权。France, long a symbol of colonialist oppression in North Africa, looked once again like the hated imperial power it had formerly been.

这些“人类标本”和“活的博物馆”既为殖民主义者做了宣传,又符合所谓种族等级划分的科学理论的需要。These "human specimens", and "living museums" served both colonialist propaganda and scientific theories of so-called racial hierarchies.

目前还不清楚什么样的爆炸的原因,虽然国家电视台说,城市正在由“十字军和殖民主义的”势力的轰炸。It is not clear what the causes of the blasts were, though state TV said the cities were being bombed by "Crusader and colonialist" forces.

1541年,西班牙殖民者首次发现这里,随后,欧洲移民大量涌入并在草原上建起城市。Spanish colonialist explorers may have first visited here in 1541. From then on, settlers flooded from Europe and built cities on grass land.

第二部分,论文总结出法国在印支三国的各项殖民统治政策,分而述之。In the second part, the paper summarizes colonialist policies implemented by French in Indochina three nations, then narrates them respectively.

殖民时期文学中的文化表征受到殖民思想的影响,强化了殖民者与殖民地之间的不平等关系。Influenced by colonialist ideology, literature in colonial period intensified the unequal cultural relationship between colonizers and colonized.