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电影制片厂使玛丽提早重返银幕。The studios hotted up Mary's comeback.

在阿拉斯加,大比目鱼已经恢复。Halibut have made a comeback in Alaska.

他对别人的侮辱给予一个机智的反驳。He made a witty comeback to the insult.

那么这些低分品牌能重返榜单吗?Can the low-scoring brands stage a comeback?

这一次,我们的恢复甚至可能更加困难。It will be an even harder comeback this time.

一大热点就是黑色又要轰轰烈烈地回来了。Big news is that black is making a big comeback.

这位七次世界冠军在41年龄又重新回归赛道。Seven-times world champion making a comeback at 41.

美国前总统尼克森的复出被评为第六大经典假新闻。US ex-president Nixon's comeback is placed at sixth.

而且奥巴马和罗斯至少有一个回归模式。And Obama and Rouse have at least one comeback model.

但还不能肯定马肉是否会卷土重来。No word yet on whether horsemeat will make a comeback.

虽然我们开始看到一点经济复苏,And while we're starting to see some comeback from that,

我很期待飞人刘翔能够早点复出!I am looking forward to the comeback of Flying Liuxiang.

那位女明星在数年的半退休之后东山再起。After years of semi-retirement, the actressstaged a comeback.

卡普里裤正在卷土重来,也可以在这里找到。Capri pants are making a comeback and can also be found here.

这是一个冲到了亲摔跤试图东山再起。It's about a washed up pro-wrestler trying to make a comeback.

甚至是已去的Polaroid即拍相机也杀了个回马枪。Even the venerable Polaroid Instant Photo is making a comeback.

然而,你会忍不住去想,这只股票可能会再涨回来的。However, you can't help but think that the stock might comeback.

仔装正重新杀回服装店和时尚杂志。Denim apparel is making a comeback in shops and fashion magazines.

每当有人消遣他时,约翰总是能想出巧妙的反击。John can always think of a good comeback whenever someone teases him.

这对一场回归赛来说是一场极好的垫场赛,如果你理解我的意思的话。This is a helluva card for a comeback fight, if you know what I mean.