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为了留念这一天,他们给它命名为“王老五骗子节”。In order to commemorate the day, they nicknamed it Singles Day.

葬于苏州阊门内,以“专诸巷”以留念。Buried Chang door, with "suzhou designed to commemorate the alleys".

电话里传来孔庆翔低沉的声音。Spread bore to commemorate to soar deep and cheap voice in telephone.

今年是白求恩逝世70周年。This year we commemorate the 70th anniversary of Dr. Bethune's passing.

最重要的是会吃粽子。现在在中国这个节日会放假。The festival is to commemorate the great patriotic poet in China- Qu Yuan.

你应当记忆我的仆人易卜拉欣、易司哈格、叶尔孤白,他们都是有能力、有眼光的。And commemorate Our Servants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, possessors of Power and Vision.

在安徽,含山中学的学生们点燃512盏许愿灯,哀悼逝者,为灾区祈福。At Hanshan Middle School in Anhui, students flew 512 lanterns to commemorate the victims.

今天下午在湖景商业广场将有一场庆祝童子军节的庆典。This afternoon at Lakeview Mall, there will be a celebration to commemorate the anniversary.

具有讽刺意味的是,坠机发生时,他们正在去往悼念被俄国人屠杀的22,000名波兰军官的途中。Ironically, they were on their way to commemorate the massacre by Russians of 22,000 Polish officers.

穿过门厅就是“享堂”,是族人祭祖议事的地方。Inside the gate is the Xiangtang Hall, where family members commemorate the ancestors or hold meetings.

是项饶具意义的活动为校庆学生活动筹委会筹办的多项大型庆祝活动之一。This meaningful activity is one of the student events held to commemorate the University's 50th Anniversary.

为了迎接这个收成的更新,神秘岛的居民纷纷涌到街上大肆庆祝加加波根的节庆。All over Mystery Island natives and tourists join together to commemorate the annual festival of Gadgadsbogen.

我们对劳动人民使用过的红蓝白胶袋心怀敬意。We commemorate the tough and affordable red, blue, and white bags used by workers and movers around the world.

参加了十八年的六四烛光晚会,今晚将会继续支持。我对国家仍然有希望。After eighteen candlelight vigils , I will continue to commemorate tonight. I still have hope in my mother country.

值此2010年世界提高自闭症意识日活动之际,我们要牢记的是,我们每个人都能担负起这一责任。As we commemorate World Autism Awareness Day 2010, let us remember that each of us can take on that responsibility.

1924年,为追怀辛亥革命的丰功伟绩,在打响首义第一枪的武昌建成“首义公园”。In 1924, Shouyi Park was built on Snake Hill, Wuchang, to commemorate the heroic achievements of the 1911 Uprising.

此后以色列中有个规矩,每年以色列的女子去为基列人耶弗他的女儿哀哭四天。that each year the young women of Israel go out for four days to commemorate the daughter of Jephthah the Gileadite.

最近有一家车商找上我们,想委讬设计明年度欢庆100周年的形象图。A car dealer approached us recently asking for help designing an image to commemorate its 100th anniversary next year.

清明节不仅仅只是祭悼先者的节日,也是我们难得的一个休息的假期。The Tomb Sweeping Festival is not only an occasion to commemorate death, but a happy break for those who remain alive.

中山陵是中国伟大的民族革命先行者孙中山先生的陵墓。The Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum is built to commemorate Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the great pioneer of the democratic revolution in China.