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我跑通勤到圣路易斯奥比斯波,两周一次。I commute to San Luis Obispo twice a week.

尝试着把你上下班的时间降到最小值。Try to keep your commute time to a minimum.

玛瘤每天得走约五英里的路去城鲤上班。Linda to commute about five miles to the city.

玛丽每天得走约五英里的路去城里上班。Linda has to commute about five miles to the city.

学生从全国各地赶来。Students can commute in from across United States.

他们每天往返于北京与天津之间。They commute between Beijing and Tianjin every day.

早餐前,不用考虑逻辑和算术的问题。Logic and arithmetic do not commute before breakfast.

如果您愿意,我会在感化院宣讲。If you please, I should like to commute the preaching.

而在阿肯色州,减刑必须经过州长的批准。In Arkansas the governor had to commute their sentences.

有超过三分之一的工人们都骑自行车上下班。More than a third of the city's workers commute by bike.

在美国,大多数成年人的上下班时间都超过20分钟。Most adults in the US have a commute of over 20 minutes.

所以他希望每天花路上的行程是往返112公里。So each day he hops in his car for the 112-mile commute.

去软件园上班,逼自己起床,因为怕迟到。Get jobs in offices, and wake up for the morning commute.

我会战胜你的恐惧,将你的肉体化成尘烟。I will vanquish your fear, and commute your flesh to dust.

任何工作中的一个压力比较大的部分就是通勤问题。One of the most stressful parts of any job is the commute.

然而,他发现,那从上下班高峰时间的交通压力。Yet he found the stress from the rush hour commute lingered.

我不知道现在你们如何来上课。I don't know today what you commute was like to come to class.

他们每天花长达四小时往返唐家岭和北京市中心的工作地。They commute up to four hours a day to work in the city center.

利用你的通勤时间来让自己了解世界上正在发生的事情。Use your commute to stay aware of what’s going on in the world.

亲爱的聊友们,你们每天上下班需要多少时间呢?My dear friends, how long does it take you to commute every day?