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硬科学,令人信服的理由Hard science, compelling reasons

毫无疑问,这是一个令人注目的故事。It is a compelling story, no doubt.

没有什么引人注目的东西。There was nothing compelling about it.

在这一问题上有很多令人注目的例子。There is plenty of compelling evidence.

我们有令人信服的理由这样做。We have compelling reasons for doing so.

试试下面专家给出的实用技巧。Try these compelling tips from the experts.

在我看来这种区别非常有趣。The distinction, it seems to me, is compelling.

对吧,这理由够有说服力吧You see that? Isn't that a compelling argument?

但是我并不认为这个论证有说服力But I don't myself find the argument compelling.

因此对于这个初始的论点,我认为它并不令人信服So this initial argument, I think, is not compelling.

大约是的1。1或1。2倍-这是非常诱人的。approximately 1.1, 1.2 times--that's pretty compelling.

你的措辞比你的竞争对手更有吸引力吗?Is your wording more compelling than your competition’s?

我们没有令人信服的数据库分享专门市场。We don't have a compelling marketplace for data sharing.

很奇特的,古怪的故事会使内容更具吸引力。Quirky, oddball stories make any content more compelling.

我认为这是DoJ为用户提供真正价值之处。This is where I think DoJ provides true compelling value.

我们在哪里能发现最吸引人的下一代观点?Where do we see the most compelling next generation ideas?

在这里这张图中的箭头是扣人心弦的。The picture is more compelling with an arrow at this point.

作为汽车的眼睛,车灯是一辆车最引人注目的部位之一。As the car's eyes, a light is the most compelling car parts.

建立更具吸引力的报告与固定画中画图像的融合。Create more compelling reports with fixed PIP Fusion images.

尝试去形成一个有原则的,令人信服的反驳观点。Try to come up with a principled, compelling counterargument.