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到那个时候所有的付出与思念都是值得的!All pay and concernment will be worthwhile then.

四是生命意识与死亡关怀。Fourth, the consciousness of life and the concernment of death.

谢老弟挂念,没事了,今天又开始整理手上的东西了。Thanks brother's concernment . I'm fine and begin to clear up the things on hand today.

如此富于人文关怀与现代精神之古乐、剧综合节目,值得一赏。It is worth enjoying such a variety show of classical music and play with human concernment and modern spirit.

软件质量以及软件质量管理日益成为人们关注的焦点。Software quality and software quality management increasingly become the focused point of vital concernment for people.

星威在不断提升新观念的趋势下,更将“保护环境”和“文化阅怀”的思维注入经营,注入产品。Xingwei is determined to keep on its pursuit in environment protection and culture concernment for the ideal design of furniture.

随着我国教育事业的发展和基础教育的改革,中小学教师培训成为我国教师教育的一个重要课题。With the development of educational enterprise and the reform of elementary education, teacher training shows the signs of concernment.

王夫之的改造无疑狭隘化了逍遥固有的天地境界,使之褪化为儒家的人文关怀。Wang Fuzhi's interpretation undoubtedly degraded Zhuang Zi's Xiaoyao from the realm of Heaven and Earth to Confucian humanity concernment.

学校安全事故的频繁发生及其严重后果使学校安全问题成为了社会关注的热点。The frequent occurrence and serious consequence of school safety accidents make the school safety problem become the focus of society concernment.

对事实性质作品著作权性质的否认表明了其对作者未来创作材料保障的关注。The refuse to accept the nature of copyright for compilation of facts reflects in the concernment of the construction of creation for a work for the would-be author.