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这是我的结论性建议。This is my concluding suggestion.

我今天要以总结亚里士多德第三部曲收尾。I want to begin today with concluding Aristotle part3.

芮孝俭在做总结性发言时,也对董建华赞誉有加。In his concluding remarks, Roy eulogized Tung as well.

看夜色落下,给充实的一天画上句号。To see the falling night, concluding a well-lived day.

进而指出这是一种非线性阻尼振动。Then concluding that it is a nonlinear of damp vibration.

美洲自由贸易区的前景不容乐观。Therefore, the prospects of concluding a FTAA are not promising.

看夜色落下,结束充实的一天。To see the falling night, concluding a well-lived day, abercrombie.

他们的演奏充满了激情与活力,在朝气蓬勃的快板中结束。In the concluding Allegro Vivace, they played with energetic finesse.

从夏令营中我学会了很多东西,包括自立。I learnt many things from the summer camp, concluding self-independence.

还有一幅照片,一个孩子渴望的看着一个水桶。The concluding image was that of a child staring longingly into a bucket.

温家宝是在结束对土库曼斯坦正式访问后来到明斯克的。Wen arrived in Minsk after concluding his official visit to Turkmenistan.

当祈祷结束时,省长夫人召他至身边。When the service was concluding , the governor's wife beckoned him to her.

只有以“我”为角度的结语,才证明了本书帮到了你。Only by concluding from “my” point of view, can this book really helps you.

然后我会回头总结,当前存在的一些问题Then I'm going to come back to finally concluding with problems that we see.

胡锦涛是在结束了对尼日利亚的国事访问后,从阿布贾抵达内罗毕的。Hu arrived in Nairobi from Abuja after concluding his state visit to Nigeria.

五月份,她察觉到劳动力市场的饱和状态,于是放弃找工作。In May, she stopped looking completely, concluding that the job market was saturated.

温家宝是在28日圆满结束对马来西亚的正式访问后抵达这里进行正式访问的。Premier Wen arrived here on April 28 after concluding his official visit to Malaysia.

总结皖系白猪前三个世代的选择效果。Concluding the selection effects on the previous three generations of Wanxi white pig.

华盛顿似乎得出结论,他们不能在军事上打败阿富汗的的抵抗力量。Washington seems to be concluding it cannot defeat the national resistance militarily.

胡于今天早上结束国家元首接见之后离开意大利返回北京。He left Italy for Beijing this morning after concluding the State visit to the country.