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完全有可能,但是目前尚没有得到最后的证实。It is entirely possible, but not yet conclusively proven.

至少应该结论性地证明它们没有风险。Or at least proving conclusively that there are no risks.

这场戏确实作为字幕之后的最后一场戏出现在了电影的最后一幕。It conclusively appeared in the final cut as a post-credits scene.

至今尚不能下结论说有些人类的肿瘤是由病毒所引起的。No human tumor has yet been conclusively shown to be viral in origin.

关于加加林最后的时刻,有几件事是确知的。There are things we know conclusively about Yuri Gagarin's final moments.

时间是金钱,家人是财富—世界已经发生了很大改变。Time is money, family a luxury – the world has most conclusively changed.

上面说你爸爸是你亲爸爸,检测报告就是这样说的。It says that your dad's your dad. i mean, the test shows that conclusively.

他说并没有确凿的证据证明长期损害跟近视之间存在关联。No link to long-term damage has ever been conclusively shown, says Dr. Sheedy.

但是,新生命的诞生这一事实对于表明它们并非长生不死具有决定性作用。But the fact that new ones are born conclusively proves that they are not immortal.

对于肾脏疾病,却仍不能做出病因关系的结论。For renal disease, an etiologic relationship has not been established conclusively.

我将提出它们中的各个说法都是自洽的,不能被确定地排除出去。I will suggest that each of them is coherent , and cannot be conclusively ruled out.

因此以洋葱油为原料开发降血脂药具有良好的前景。Conclusively it is significant to develop a descendens blood fat drug from onion oil.

下一代的探测器应该可以对中性伴子是否存在提供决定性的判据。The new generation of detectors should be able to rule neutralinos conclusively in or out.

然而,至今仍然无法确定动物是否是SARS冠状病毒的储存宿主。However, no animal reservoir of the SARS coronavirus has been conclusively identified to date.

上述两项研究都未能决定性地显示XMRV导致了慢性疲劳综合症或前列腺癌。Neither study conclusively shows that XMRV causes chronic-fatigue syndrome or prostate cancer.

你瞧,神圣自我在追求其全知全能时终究是孤独的。You see the Divine-Self is ultimately, conclusively alone in its final pursuit of omnipotence.

派出的侦察骑兵证实了那个哥萨克的报告,这足以证明,时机已经成熟。The news brought by the Cossack, confirmed by scouts, proved conclusively that the time was ripe.

为期3岁的航空公司还没有最终证明其长期的商业可持续性。The three-year-old airline also hasn't conclusively proven its long-term business sustainability.

在三厘岛事件后的几十年中,人们不敢肯定一些癌症或死亡事件与那场灾难有关。Decades after Three Mile Island, no cancers or deaths have been conclusively linked to the U.S. disaster.

你们无法确切证明塞拉菲尔德核电厂引发了癌症。你们只能基于可能性入手。You cannot prove conclusively that Sellafield caused cancer. You can only work on the basis of probability.