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不幸的是,这种共识是错误的。Unhappily, this consensus is false.

实现的方法是一致同意。What really happened was consensus.

这是一种大多数人的控制。It's censorship by consensus almost.

这是中印两国领导人达成的共识。This is the consensus of both leaders.

然而中国很快就翻脸了。Yet China quickly upended this consensus.

但这并不意味着这个统一的观点是正确的That doesn't mean that consensus is correct.

新的决议案因此获得一致通过。The new resolution was adopted by consensus.

你们看,我知道我们能在这里取得一些共识。See, I know we can get some consensus in here.

可替代的是通过一致的协商做出决策。The alternative is to take decisions by consensus.

中国的房地产存在着泡沫,这点大家毫无异义。The consensus is that China has a real-estate bubble.

这个旷日持久的会议最终没能达成一致意见。The long-lasting meeting failed to reach a consensus.

决议通过周会的共识产生。Decisions are made by consensus at the weekly meeting.

我认为共识不足以取代领导。I think consensus is a poor substitute for leadership.

全一之语是一个以一致实相为基础的思想形态。The Language of ONE is a consensus based thought-form.

对这一问题举国上下看法普遍一致。There is broad consensus in the country on this issue.

这个项目不必根据委员会意见或经一致同意才运行。This project will not be run by committee or consensus.

九二共识强调,只有一个中国。The 1992 Consensus stresses that there is only one China.

统一认识,加强领导。Achieving Consensus of Views and Strengthening Leadership.

也是市道市情上比较精彩的一种材料。Consensus is compared on tianshui practice good a material.

至少他们曾在不应采取的措施上获得共识。There was, at least, a consensus on what should not be done.