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并且不应该有人因为赞成同性恋而受到联盟的伤害。And no one is harmed by the union of two consenting gay people.

这使得希腊政府的官僚能任意摆布参与交易的人。This puts consenting adults at the mercy of the Greek bureaucracy.

在没有区分对待合法年龄的成年人和成年人这一问题上也还有很多值得探讨的。There’s a lot to be said for treating consenting adults like, well, adults.

为什么放任自由主义者想要去撤销针对两相情愿的成年人在性行为方面的规定?Why do libertarians want to repeal regulations on sex by consenting adults?

拉宾和阿拉法特同意出席仪式并发言,这显示了他们的远见和胆识。Rabin and Arafat showed both vision and guts in consenting to come and speak.

数十亿的美元、合法年龄的成年人,这些与其相关的所有罪恶早已上演。All of these vices, involving billions of dollars and consenting adults, already take place.

可敬的李大人,在这小小的领域里,我可有这荣幸请您同意来担任我的顾问?Would the venerable master Li do honor to me and my modest realm by consenting to act as a counselor?

然而,一旦我们同意进入社会,就同意了受法律制度的约束。However, once we agree to enter into society, we are consenting to being governed by a system of laws.

在达成一致的这样的施虐受虐接触比从前所认为的那样更为普遍。Such sadomasochistic contact between consenting sexual partners is more common than was formerly believed.

如果一位警官诱骗或强迫我同意搜查,那么我的同意意味着这个搜查合法吗?。If a Police Officer Tricks or Coerces Me Into Consenting to a Search, Does My Consent Make the Search Legal?

最终,我们需要一种能够会让两台在NAT后的受允许的主机互相通讯的机制。As a result, mechanisms that enable two consenting hosts behind NATs to communicate with each other are needed.

享受政府的福利,就意味着默认,同意政府可以从你那拿去东西。Taking government's services, you are implying that you are consenting to the government taking things from you.

他们为客户和陪护员牵线搭桥,收取一定费用,而这两者之间发生什么则取决于那两个具体的成年人了。They charge a fee to connect a client with an escort, and whatever happens between them is up to those two consenting adults.

一种对现代经济功能至关重要的复杂金融工具,可用于分散风险。A complex financial instrument vital to the functioning of a modern economy in the way it spreads risk among consenting parties.

由于俱乐部是密闭空间,成年顾客是在双方同意下发生性行为,因此警方想取缔这个俱乐部却于法无据。As consenting adults have sex in a closed space, police admitted that it would be difficult to apply existing laws to this case.

所以举个例子,同性婚姻,同性性行为是你可以接受的,因为…,没人受到伤害,两个成年人是自愿的。So, gay marriage, for instance, or gay sex would be okay with you because-- it is--nobody is harmed and these are consenting adults.

所以举个例子,同性婚姻,同性性行为是你可以接受的,因为…,没人受到伤害,两个成年人是自愿的。So, gay marriage, for instance, or gay sex would be okay with you because-- it is--nobody is harmed and these are consenting adults.

在2009年,印度高等法院通过了一份历史性的判决,指出在双方均为成年并且都自愿的话,同性间的行为不算作刑事犯罪。In fact, the Supreme Court of India passed a historic judgement in 2009 which decriminalized same sex behaviour among consenting adults.

问题就在所有的“涉案人员”全都是自愿的参与者,没有被胁迫的人,没有受到身体和财产损失的人。It is that all your "defendants" were consenting participants. Nobody was forced into anything, and nobody suffered any harm to body or property.

政府电脑供授权者使用﹐进入就表示你放弃个人隐私同意监看。This US Government computer is for authorized users only. By accessing this system you are consenting to complete monitoring with no expectation of privacy.