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不便秘才怪。Holy constipation. Just saying.

促进便秘——节约厕纸。Promote constipation -- save TP.

丰富的纤维也能帮助消化。This fibre-rich tea can improve constipation too.

怎样治疗便秘?排除宿便?How to treat constipation? Eliminate constellation?

我一直有便柲的困扰,我该怎麽做?I've had trouble with constipation . What can I do?

这里有两个家,我用补救性便秘。Here are two home remedies for constipation that I use.

番石榴还含有大量的纤维素,能防止便秘。Guava also rich in fiber which helps prevent constipation.

统计术后便秘的发生率。The incidences of constipation were analyzed statistically.

有效缓解虚胖,便秘及单一性肥胖症。Get rid of phlegm dampness, constipation and simple obesity.

方法对51例便秘患者行排粪造影检查。Methods De-fecography was used for 51 cases of constipation.

竹盐还能彻底解决便秘问题。Bamboo salt can completely solve the problem of constipation.

这样会振奋你的身体系统并减少头痛和便秘。It’ll flush your system and reduce headaches and constipation.

大部分有轻微便秘的人不需要缓泻剂。Most people who are mildly constipation do not need laxatives.

知道写作文比便秘辛苦吗?Do they know that writing essays suffer more than constipation?

便秘导致长逗逗,用什么办法最好?Constipation is brought about long funny, with what method best?

麦草对便秘和保持肠道活力有奇效。Wheatgrass is great for constipation and keeping the bowels open.

缓解IBS的腹痛、腹部不适、胃气胀和便秘。It can release abdominal pain & unwell, bloating and constipation.

另外,可溶性纤维还能防止便秘。By the way, insoluble fiber is the kind that prevents constipation.

症状轻则出现轻度的无力与便秘,重则出现瘫痪。Symptoms can range from mild weakness and constipation to paralysis.

治疗便秘不应再采用接触性泻剂。Contact laxatives should be prevented to adopt to treat constipation.