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种族间的嫉恨是一种不良的风气。Racial hatred is a contagion.

没有接触传染的风险。There is no risk of contagion.

我们想要保护银行业务免受其影响。We wanted to protect our banks from contagion.

性病和皮肤病的传染途径是那些?。Venereal the contagion with dermatosis is the way those?

对传统与有机食物的转基因污染正在扩大。GM contagion of accepted and amoebic aliment is accretion.

到那个时候,这种歪风邪气的风险将会上升到最大值。At that moment the risk of contagion would be at its greatest.

现在我们又有一种重大全球传染病要应对。And now we have another great global contagion to contend with.

这种危机竟然蔓延到了信用违约互换行业。Contagion also spreads through the market for credit-default swaps.

由于采取了这些预防措施,侍臣们根本不必担心传染。With such precautions the courtiers might bid defiance to contagion.

恐慌会蔓延到整个欧元区,欧元的覆灭也将随之而来。Contagion will spread across the euro zone. The end will come soon enough.

卢克和安杜薇尔迅速逃出拥挤的太空港,以防被这种传染病感染。Luke and Anduvil fled the crowded spaceport to avoid the spread of contagion.

她在南缅因大学做心理感染的研究工作。She works at the University of Southern Maine and studies psychological contagion.

全球经济传染病已经蔓延到中国,全世界都感受到战栗。The global economic contagion has spread to China, sending shudders around the world.

接触传播是参床土壤中人参疫病根腐扩展蔓的主要方式。The contagion is the major channel for GinsengBlight extension in the soil of Ginseng-bed.

听说这段传染病闹得很厉害,它的主要症状是有哪些呢?Hear this paragraph of contagion is troubled by very badly, what is its main symptom to have?

关于问题在欧元区蔓延的忧虑打压全球股市最近几日下滑.Fears of contagion in the euro zone have driven global stock markets lower in recent sessions.

不过这有助于打消爱尔兰问题扩散至其他债台高筑欧元区国家的疑虑.That helped dampen fears of contagion from Ireland to other highly-indebted euro zone members.

我们的错误在无情地蔓延,且缺乏公正,任何国家均概莫能外。The contagion of our mistakes shows no mercy and makes no exceptions on the basis of fair play.

与此同时,不断恶化的欧洲局势蔓延的风险也不应忽略。Meanwhile, the contagion risk from the deteriorating situation in Europe shouldn't be overlooked.

他们一直不愿接纳艾滋病患者,部分原因是无来由地害怕被接触传染。They have been reluctant to admit AIDS patients, in part because of unfounded fears of contagion.