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马丁是个不爱讲话、喜欢沉思默想的小伙子。Martin is a quiet, contemplative sort of chap.

电影的节奏缓慢,而气氛令人沉思。The film’s pacing is slow and its mood is contemplative.

当时他正坐在苹果树下思考问题,突然一只苹果从树上掉下,让他产生了这一想法。It was occasion'd by the fall of an apple, as he sat in contemplative mood.

黄油气味中,一种隐居冥思生活的幸福图景展现在眼前。Butter-scented, a happy vision of a secluded, contemplative life comes to me.

这美景促使我进入一种适合沉思的状态,使我能够更好的参观艺术博物馆。It promotes the sort of contemplative state that suits a visit to the Art Museum.

曲高和寡,并非人人都欣赏这齣无言的美学剧。Unfortunately, not every visitor would enjoy this contemplative drama of aesthetic.

虽然所拍摄的这片天地在快速发展,它们仍是静止、令人深思的画面。Although the world around me was moving fast, they are still, contemplative pictures.

降低债务已经不再是书呆子制定政策和帐房先生的事了。Debt reduction is no longer the contemplative realm of policy wonks and bean counters.

冥想的意识似乎是以什么可以治愈我们为中心的。The contemplative awareness of meditation seems to be at the core of what can heal us.

然而,与此同时它又把现代被动的耻辱标记从沉思的生活中去除。However, at the same time it removes from vita contemplative the modern stigma of passivity.

历史上出现了唯心主义和直观唯物主义两种理解方式。There are two kinds of comprehensions—idealism and contemplative materialism—in the history.

吕斯布鲁克的思想奠基于基督教传统中关系的、默观的神学。Ruusbroec's thought relies on the old Christian tradition of a relational, contemplative theology.

佛教和天主教的信仰﹐皆着重「默观的向度」。Both Buddhism and Christianity emphasize the "contemplative dimension" in their practice of religion.

这种令人沉思的地方就是你摸清你的两性关系的合适地点。This sort of contemplative place is where you need to be to feel out the "truth" of your relationship.

福山身着熨帖的蓝色衬衣,带褶的深色便裤,他掰着开心果,深思而谨慎。In a pressed, blue button-down shirt and pleated dark slacks, he cracks open pistachios, contemplative but cagey.

狗蹲在炉火旁,在沉默中静静地待了一两分钟,然后来到门边,呜呜叫着让人放它出去。After a minute or two sitting in contemplative silence by the fire, the dog went to the door and whined to be let out.

未婚的伊沃克人男子要在森林里独居冥思,在主树村附近建造自己的房子。Unmarried Ewok males spend a contemplative time living alone in the forest, building their own home near the main village trees.

莫斯曼湾别墅探索了两个对比鲜明的空间体验,一个是动态和流动的,一个是被动和冥想的。The Mosman Bay House explores two contrasting spatial experiences, one is dynamic and fluid and one is passive and contemplative.

在这个阶层里包括耽于空想的商人,挂名医生,以及丢了差事的政治家。Under this class of men are comprehended all contemplative tradesmen, titular physicians, and statesmen that are out of business.

从这个意义上人们可以说对时间为基础的艺术的文献记录抹杀了行动的生活与沉思的生活的差别。In this sense one can say that the documentation of time—based art erases the difference between vita activa and vita contemplative.