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我是19号选手,孙雪莹。I'm No. 19 contestant.

每位选手对这个问题都有自己的看法。Each contestant had his own take on the subject.

迪莱将是这个节目有史以来参赛选手中年纪最大的一个。Tom DeLay will be the oldest contestant on the show.

一开始,选手需要削去蔬菜的皮。First of all, a contestant should peel the vegetables.

另一个参赛者的主人问我为何四处张望。Another contestant asked me why I was just looking around.

真想听原唱唱这首歌的样子…音好高喔。I really think she is the best contestant in this competition.

每当有选手钓到鱼时,都会让赛场热闹好一阵。Whenever there is a contestant catch fish, can let a good game lively.

参赛者必须于大温地区居住。The Contestant must be a resident of the District of Greater Vancouver.

重复演译同一指定形,是不会被取消资格的。In Shitei kata a contestant who repeats a kata will not be disqualified.

在决定两个参赛者中谁是优胜者时,这些评委选择了第二位参赛者,只因为他们看到第一位参赛者长了疣子。She chose the second contestant after seeing the warts on the first one.

另一个参赛者问我为什么站着,只四处张望。Another contestant asked me why I was just standing there looking around.

下面有请一号队伍,请二号队做好准备。Now, please welcome contestant NO. 1 . Contestant NO. 2 please get ready.

尼日利亚选手托里奥拉应该掀不起什么风浪。The Nigerian contestant Tory aurar should not be able to raise any storm.

该节目选手提供了一个绝好的机会赢得卢比亿卢比。The show provides the contestant a perfect opportunity to win Rs. 10 crores.

最后请大家多多支持我,第22号选手。Invite everyone finally to back me up much and much, the No. 22th contestant.

有请我们的第二组参赛选手,第三组选手请准备。有请。Let"s warmly the secondcontestant, group2. contestant NO. 3 please get ready."

有请我们的第一组参赛选手,第二组选手请准备。有请。Let"s warmly the first contestant, group 1. contestant NO. 2 please get ready."

McCreery也是美国偶像连续第四位夺冠的男选手。McCreery is also the fourth consecutive male contestant to win the competition.

另一位指控特朗普行为不端的2001年选美选手是塔莎•迪克森。The other 2001 beauty contestant to accuse Trump of misconduct was Tasha Dixon.

在电视问答比赛节目开始之前,为参赛者做了准备性的练习。Before the television quiz program there was a warm-up to prepare the contestant.