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这一点我确信不疑。I say this with conviction.

不过,定罪来自上帝。But conviction comes from God.

他们缺乏信念的力量。They lack the force of conviction.

在许愿时,必须要深信不疑。Conviction is everything in wishing.

是坚定信念后一往无前的勇气?Is it the courage to act with conviction?

这个火花就是信念的力量。This spark is the strength of conviction.

他告诉我们坚定的信仰中蕴涵着力量。He tells us that there is power in conviction.

这个定罪是越过其他界线的。This conviction was for crossing another line.

这是我国的立国之本。This is the founding conviction of my country.

她就怀着这种自我陶醉式的信心走了。In this self-complacent conviction she departed.

成功是一个必胜的决心和信念。Sucess is the conviction to succeed at all costs!

李钟郁是一个怀有坚定信念和激情的人。LEE Jong-wook was a man of conviction and passion.

宗教原是一种信念,现在成了个人品味。Religion was once a conviction. Now it is a taste.

我也来顶一下啦!真的是心悦诚服!I say not flatteringly but with sincere conviction.

伊朗最高法院2007年宣布维持原判。Iran's supreme court upheld the conviction in 2007.

里根犯有重案却没有被定罪。Carrigan had escaped conviction for a serious crime.

讲道者的信念,使听者扎心知罪,认识真理。Conviction of preacher passes into truth of hearers.

也坚定了张筱筱坚持下去的信念。Zhang Xiaoxiao also strengthened the conviction stick.

如果你对某事有自己的信念,那就坚持吧!If you have a conviction about something, stick with it.

她说他们只是运营商却缺乏说服力。She said they were just operators who lacked conviction.