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另一名是威廉·艾里奥特,24岁,科林斯人。Gray, 57, of Milo, and William Elliott, 24, of Corinth.

他们到科林斯请求救援They go to Corinth asking the Corinthians to please help us.

是谁把他的好消息科林斯,也由蒂莫西。Who brought him good news from Corinth , and also by Timothy.

公元前5世纪多利安寺在古代科林斯网站阿波罗。The 5th century BC Doric Temple of Apollo at the site of Ancient Corinth.

他们曾聘请了一位专家利用声波仪器在科林斯海湾寻找。They employed an expert to search the Gulf of Corinth with sound devices.

我们有他致亚该亚教会的信,像科林斯城。We have references in his his letters to churches in Achaea, like Corinth.

在离迈锡尼大约10公里远的地方,我们见到了古代科林斯的遗迹。Around ten kilometres from Mycenae we come across the ruins of ancient Corinth.

哥林多教会因为充满分争而自取灭亡。The church at Corinth was self-destructing because it was filled with division.

为什么保罗不能把哥林多教会的信徒当作神属灵的孩子?Why couldn't Paul address the Christians at Corinth as spiritual children of God?

记住,你在假装一个希腊人,住在公元56年的哥林多城。Remember,you're pretending you're a Greek person living in the year 56 in Corinth.

最早的时候克基拉与,母邦科林斯的关系并不好From the earliest times, Corcyra does not get along with the mother city of Corinth.

阳光普照爱琴市,科林斯湾海域的水面撩人地波光闪闪。When the sun rises over Aigio, the waters in the Gulf of Corinth shimmer seductively.

当哥林多的信徒聚在一起敬拜神,保罗因什么指责他们?When believers in Corinth gathered together to worship God, Paul rebukes them for what?

哥林多城的教会实践了在贫穷的生活中乐捐的吊诡道理。The church in the city of Corinth practiced the paradox of giving while living in poverty.

宙斯拐走埃伊娜以后,她的父亲河神阿索波斯到科林斯来寻找…After Zeus 's abduction of Aegina, her father -god Asopus came to Corinth in search of her.

希腊中、南部30多座城邦于哥林多城会商,共谋防御大计。Some 30 city-states of central and southern Greece met in Corinth to devise a common defense.

宙斯拐走埃伊娜以后,她的父亲河神阿索波斯到科林斯来寻找她。Zeus's abduction of Aegina, her father the River-god Asopus came to Corinth in search of her.

他是一个满有口材和大胆敢言的传道人,他在哥林多和以弗所这两个地区有很美好的事奉。He was an eloquent and fearless preacher and had a great ministry in both Corinth and Ephesus.

当保罗初到哥林多时,是一个织帐棚的工人,与亚居拉一起工作。When Paul first came to Corinth , he worked as a blue collar laborer making tents with Aquila.

如果是的话,说明保罗的影响力显然已经远及了哥林多城中富贵有名望的罗马公民。If so, Paul's influence apparently extended to wealthy and influential Roman citizens of Corinth.