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他躲在一间小屋子里。He hid himself in a cottage.

借湖村的哈尼农舍。Hani cottage in Jiehu village.

四周簇满了蔷薇花的小屋。A cottage embowered with roses.

龙甲村的哈尼农舍。Hani cottage in Longjia village.

她引着我们走进一所茅舍。She conducted us into a cottage.

玫瑰盘绕着小屋。Roses entwine the little cottage.

玫瑰盘绕著小屋。Roses entwine the little cottage.

湖泊,树木,屋舍。The lake, the trees, the cottage.

她把那小屋派什么用场呢?What did she use the cottage for?

我也分享了小屋的浴室。I also shared the Cottage Bathroom.

我看到隐映在树林中的乡村别墅。I saw a cottage nestling in the woods.

1918年,他又为全家买了一座暑期农舍型别墅。In 1918 he bought us a summer cottage.

村舍的墙壁上爬满了常春藤。Ivy ran over the walls of the cottage.

一天晚上,他独自住在一间小屋里。One night he was alone at the cottage.

这间小屋被棕榈树的阴影遮蔽着。The cottage was shadowed by palm trees.

为了度暑假我们已经租了一个小别墅。We have taken a cottage for the summer.

我们已经逐渐形成了新的家庭手工业。We have developed a new cottage industry.

茅屋到宫廷,处处有爱情。Love lives in cottage as well as in court.

爱能使小屋变成黄金殿。Love can turn cottage into a golden palace.

他们在海滨有个避暑别墅。They have a summer cottage by the seacoast.