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是否上天冥冥之中的安排,一切巧合聚在一天之中。If god's arrangement, all culminate in a day.

贾尔斯触发了随后的一系列事件,这些事件最终将以悲剧收场。Giles set in motion a train of events which would culminate in tragedy.

几天之后,在历史性的投票中,长达一个世纪的努力即将达到高潮。And in just a few days, a century-long struggle will culminate in a historic vote.

到十月份33名受困矿工全部获救为止,这次事故一直是全世界关注的焦点。The world watched the rescue culminate in October with all 33 of the miners pulled to safety.

人人都担心,这两国间的边境争端将以一场战争到达顶点。Everyone feared that the boundary dispute between these two countries would culminate in a war.

精心的耕种和培育会最终收获优良的庄家,因此得到最上乘的配料。Proper cultivation and care will culminate in the best crops and therefore the finest ingredients.

十年的研究以第一份全球海洋生物普查的结果而告终。Ten years of research culminate today, with the results of the first global Census of Marine Life.

过去十周内举行的一系列国际会议将于这次日内瓦会议达到高潮。A series of international meetings held over the last ten weeks will culminate in the Geneva meeting.

拜登说,2013年蒙古轮值主席任期结束前将在乌兰巴托举行一次民主峰会。Biden said the country’s term as chair will culminate in 2013 with a democratic summit in Ulaanbaatar.

期末论文长度控制在15到20页之内,达到能够在同侪评论期刊上发表的水平。The assignments culminate in a 15- to 20-page final paper of publishable quality in a peer-reviewed journal.

培训正在进行之中,最终将于2011年中期,在北约与俄罗斯联合演习中和现场的飞机一起达到顶点。Training is ongoing and will culminate in a joint NATO-Russia exercise with live aircraft in early to mid-2011.

三月底,2006年伦敦至上海中国杯游艇赛的开始将使该活动达到高潮。The season will culminate at the end of March with the start of The China Cup 2006 yacht race from London to Shanghai.

一年一度的斯通亨奇庆祝活动是纪念一年中最长的一天并以天亮时达到高潮的德鲁伊式仪式著称。The annual Stonehenge celebration marks the longest day of the year and features druidic rites that culminate at sunrise.

聚乙烯界面磨损导致骨溶解和撞击综合症,最终发展为无菌性松动。Wear of the polyethylene counterface results in osteolysis and impingement, both of which culminate in aseptic loosening.

投资人也将注意力转向本周稍后将要公布的一众经济数据,最为重要的非为周五的就业报告莫属.Indeed, investors are already turning their attention to a raft of data this week that will culminate in Friday's jobs report.

周二晚间,白宫举行了一次半正式晚宴款待辛格,这是奥巴马政府首次设宴接待国宾。A black-tie dinner in honor of Singh on Tuesday night will culminate the Obama administration's first hosting of a state visit.

这些周期性单位最高潮是车尾上翘的边缘,引进绅宝设计主题,由9-5射程和900个典型示范。These wraparound units culminate in an upswept rear edge, introducing a Saab design theme from the 9-5 range and classic 900 model.

反对建设一系列核反应堆的人们誓言,他们将在下星期一在贾拉普尔市举行大规模集会,将反对行动推向高潮。Opponents of the planned set of nuclear reactors vow they will press forward with a mass rally set to culminate in Jaitapur next Monday.

这一经常忽视的步骤可以帮助避免混淆和失败,而它们往往以安全性专家的昂贵访问而告终。This often overlooked step can help avoid confusion and frustration that often culminate in an expensive visit by a security specialist.

所有的作业都会在课堂的期末专题完整呈现,这些期末专题会在主题为“十一”的成果展中展出。All the assignments for this class culminate in the final project for the semester, an exhibition of all the student work entitled eleven.