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人类以比栖居的这个星球更快的速度变得冷漠。Nostra culpa. Man grows cold faster than the planet he inhabits.

理查德斯在大卫·莱特曼的电视秀和雷伍·杰西·杰克逊的电台节目中认错道歉。Richards issued his mea culpa on David Letterman's TV show as well as on the Rev.

缔约过失责任本质上是一种特殊的侵权责任形式。The liability of culpa in contrahendo is essentially a special form of obligation.

从某种意义上说,这是新的弗拉门戈,但过失米亚显示她有能力适应节奏。In a sense this is new flamenco, but Culpa Mia shows her ability to adapt rhythmically.

本文首先论述了缔约过失责任的一般基本理论问题。This paper first discusses the basic theory of "Culpa In Contrahendo" liability system.

结语部分是笔者对缔约过失制度的反思。In the conclusion, the author gives reconsiderations and thoughts to culpa in contrahendo systems.

大部分的责任推给丹麦胜利是迈克尔劳德鲁普,谁当时的皇家马德里队的球员。Gran parte de culpa en el triunfo danés fue de Michael Laudrup, que por entonces era jugador del Real Madrid.

理查德斯在大卫·莱特曼的电视秀和雷伍·杰西·杰克逊的电台节目中认错道歉。Richards issued his mea culpa on David Letterman's TV show as well as on the Rev. Jesse Jackson's radio program.

这个想法不容反悔或缔约过失责任,可用于制作过程中承担的义务前的合同谈判。The idea of estoppel or culpa in contrahendo, can be used to create obligations during pre-contractual negotiations.

大陆法系的缔约过失兴起于自由资本主义向垄断资本主义过渡的时期。"Culpa in contrahendo" in civil law system started in the transition from freedom capitalism to monopoly capitalism.

积极侵害债权的出现和缔约过失责任范围的扩大则预示了传统进路体系上的断裂和缺陷。Positive breach of contract and culpa in contrahendo prefigure systematic breaches and defects in the traditional approach.

最近几年日本官员不断道歉,但中国仍然坚持要求日本以书面形式承认其所犯的错。Japanese officials have repeatedly apologized in recent years, but Beijing still insists on a written mea culpa from the Japanese.

缔约过失责任制度在我国法律上的真正确立,我认为是在1999年统一合同法颁布之后。The real establishment of the system of culpa in contrahendo in our country, I think, is after the issue of the contract law in 1999.

缔约过失责任制度是在传统契约法和侵权法的缝隙中萌芽生长的。The system of "Culpa In Contrahendo"liability formed and developed between classical contract law system and classical tort law system.

第二部分在介绍不同学者对缔约过失责任类型划分的基础上,指出其不科学性,说明正确的分类方法,并对缔约过失责任进行分类。The second part points out the unscientific ways in which various scholars classify culpa in contrahendo and then proposes the right ways.

“允诺禁反言”原则与大陆法系的缔约过失制度有相似之处,但更多的是不同,并有互补之作用。"Promissory estoppel"is different from the Culpa in Contrahendo, although there are some samilarities. and the two theories can work together.

对于给付障碍法而言,缔约过失获得了与积极侵害债权同样重大的意义。现今的一些新型法律制度,都是在缔约过失的土壤之上发展起来的。For law of defaults in performance, culpa in contrahendo has obtained the great means as positive breach of contract, and it has formed some new institutes.

与其他任何一个聪明的罪犯一样,盖柯写了一部很畅销的自传,书中很少提及他的责任,而更多谈到他的天才,并为自己那头发花白的圣人和受辱的喜剧人物形象而洋洋自得。Like any smart criminal, Gekko writes a best-selling autobiography, less mea culpa than me-a-genius, and revels in his fame as grizzled sage and insult comic.

基于此,本文试就缔约过失责任的法律特征、和适用范围以及完善我国缔约过失责任制度的立法建议等问题提出了自己的一些见解。This article will provide some opinions on legislative traits, scope of application of culpa in contrahendo and further some legislative advice on how to improve it.

第四部分论述缔约过失责任的赔偿范围,认为缔约过失既会损害信赖利益也会损害固有利益,信赖利益赔偿的赔偿原则上限于履行利益。Part Five discusses the scope of compensation based on Culpa in Contrahendo. The author considers both maintance interest and reliance interest should be compensated.