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血液凝固了。Blood is curdle.

骆驼奶不结块。Camels milk does not curdle.

骆驼的奶水不会凝固。Camel's milk does not curdle.

那景象让我不寒而栗。The sight made my blood curdle.

牛奶发酵会凝结起来。The fermentation of milk causes it to curdle.

骆驼的奶水不会凝固。The fermentation of milk causes it to curdle.

调味汁不能煮沸,不然蛋黄会凝结的。The sauce should not boil or the egg yolk will curdle.

如果酱汁的温度太高,会凝固。If the sauce reaches too high a temperature, it will curdle.

事实上,牛奶在胃里总会遇到胃的消化液,而这种胃液一定要把牛奶变成乳块。The reason given was that the acid in the orange juice would make the milk curdle and become indigestible.

待混凝土初凝前,再采用铁抹子进行次混凝土表面收光。And the secondary surface leveling shall be carried out with steel trowel before initial curdle of concrete.

历史中噪音一直是一种强力武器,但是否真的让人从内凝结,让建筑从中粉碎呢?Throughout history noise has been a powerful weapon but can it really curdle your insides, or make buildings crumble?

本文证明,青壮年是血液粘滞性和凝固性由正常转变为异常的重要时期,也是发生血液系统疾病的重要时期。It is proved that the prime of life is the important phase in which blood start to curdle and blood system diseases occur.

而要真正实现对这种腐败的规制,必须实现从权利控制向权力控制的提升,在更高的层次抵御其异化和滥用的冲动。In order to restrain the corruption, controlling should be up to power controlling in the higher level to curdle the variation and abuse.

生产乳酪要求使用酶凝结或凝固牛奶,还要添加其他用于不同功效的原料。The production of cheese requires the use of enzymes to coagulate or curdle the milk and the addition of other ingredients for various functions.

介绍了一种新型微生物多糖——凝结多糖生产、流变性质及其在食品加工中的应用。The paper introduced a new type microbial exopolysaccharide— curdle . It's production, rheology and application in food processing were discussed.

科顿的大多数作品都略微正派,尽管情节在后半段很快变得愤世嫉俗,他所塑造的角色常因梦想的破碎而被击垮。There's a subtle decency to most of Cotten's work, though it can curdle into cynicism pretty fast, and his characters often get crushed by the looming failure of their dreams.

科顿的大部分作品都有几分高雅的感觉,虽然可能很快转化为愤世嫉俗,而且他的角色经常被梦想的破灭所打垮。There's a subtle decency to most of Cotten's work, though it can curdle into cynicism pretty fast, and his characters often get crushed by the looming failure of their dreams.