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休斯敦仍然实行夜间宵禁。Houston remains under a nighttime curfew.

二十三点起对培正学生实行宵禁。A 23.00 curfew is for all students at Peizheng.

对十八岁以下的未成年人是有宵禁令的。There is a curfew for minors under the age of 18.

克什米尔首府斯利那加正处于军事戒严状态之中。Kashmir’s capital, Srinagar, is under military curfew.

黑种人不服从戒严和镇压。The black population is defying curfew and repression.

军事当局撤销了对该城市的宵禁。The military authorities lifted the curfew on the city.

在审判前执行的全国宵禁令仍没有取消。A curfew imposed ahead of the judgment remains in place.

军事政府强力执行宵禁令。The military government clamped a curfew onto the capital.

在开罗,上千个游行者无视宵禁的存在。In Cairo, thousands of demonstrators have ignored a curfew.

此前,他下令立即在阿比让实施夜间宵禁。Earlier, he imposed an immediate overnight curfew on Abidjan.

Bauchi州州长最终决定实施宵禁。The Bauchi state governor imposed a night-time curfew as a result.

在宵禁开始之后他回到他的汽车里并追杀过来。He returned in his car after curfew and attempted to run them down.

在宵禁的钟声响起前几个小时,她就将自己捆在了大钟巨大的钟锤上。Several hours before curfew time, she tied herself to bell's huge clapper.

乍得实施宵禁的地区包括首都恩贾梅纳和东部以及北部的省份。The curfew will cover N'Djamena as well as eastern and northern provinces.

乍得实施宵禁的地区包括首都恩贾梅纳和东部以及北部的省份。The curfew will cover n'djamena as well as eastern and northern provinces.

任何人在规定的宵禁时间过后上街都有被警卫队逮捕行刑的危险。Anyone out on the streets past curfew is at risk of abuse by security forces.

宵禁后从磨蹭的少年那儿听个故事,他的故事能让马克土温自愧不如。Greet a tardy teenager after curfew for a yarn that puts Mark Twain to shame.

首都巴格达已开始实施为期三天的宵禁以遏制冲突。Authorities have imposed a three-day curfew in the capital to contain the clashes.

此后,玛格丽特改变了过去整夜寻欢作乐的习惯,开始在夜间早点休息。In later years Margaret's up-all-night joie de vivre gave way to an earlier curfew.

法官对其保释设置了新的条件,包括宵禁令以及佩戴电子监控脚链。A judge set new conditions for his bail, including a curfew and monitoring bracelet.